Our wedding???

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'For you, I'd wait.'

Adi was sound asleep in the middle of the night. He noticed an hand snaking through his shirt. He held her hand and opened his eyes to look at her..

Adi: What are you doing, Ma'am???

Suhasini: I lost something here.. I'm trying to find it here...

Adi: On my chest???

Suhasini: Yes...

She grinned...

Adi: I have no words to say...

She rolled and sat on top of him this time...

Suhasini: You know what... I'm going to spend my night with you... I'm going to give myself to you...

Adi hid his chuckle by biting his lips..

Adi: Is that so???

Suhasini: yes... In any ways, I'm going to spend my life with someone in future.. Why don't I spend one night with you???

He sat up with her on his lap keeping her straddling him.

Adi: I have a question.. when did you become this wild??

She giggled..

Suhasini: From the moment, I saw you... You are making me wild...

Adi: You have known me for less than a week.. Do you remember??

Suhasini: That's right...

Adi: Then how do you believe me??

Suhasini: I don't know.. I just feel like, you're worth it.. you're worthy of everything.. and I believe you with all my heart..

He smiled wider...

Suhasini: Aww this dimple..

She kissed his dimple..

Adi: I hope you remember everything in the morning....

She didn't answer instead hugged him tighter..

Suhasini: Okay let's start..

She kissed his neck, his ears and he was trying to control himself. He didn't want to touch her when she did not remember herself. Earlier the night, he kissed her when he lost control. But he didn't want to proceed further anymore.

She slowly bit him between his nape and shoulder bone...

Adi: This cannot be done anymore...

He turned her and pushed her to the bed...

Suhasini: I want it..

She faked her tears again...

Adi placed himself on top of her...

He said in all seriousness...

Adi: Jaan... Don't you feel it?? If I surpass a level, I cannot control myself..

Listen to me, please... Don't cry...

Let's do it some other time...

She mumbled something...

Adi: What??

Suhasini: You are big in all aspects..

Adi shook his head..

Adi: I have always wished you to be like this.. But not tonight Jaan...

Suhasini: Enaku veanum...

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