Interview for Palace Maid

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'Human beings as whole cannot be good for long before the bad creeps back in and poisons us again.'

Satyadev returned to his country and looked at his newly married wife, Iniyal. She welcomed him happily.

Satyadev: I'm sorry I had to leave you as soon as we got married.

Iniyal: You were out for the country's affair. It's your duty and that comes before family, your highness.

Satyadev embraced her. They loved each other dearly. Iniyal was their first minister's daughter. She practically grew up with him. Their wedding was decided the moment she was born.

She was devoted to him, and to the Country of Z. People of the country always treated her as royalty as they were aware about her impending wedding to the prince which happened very recently.

She did her duties diligently and earned his respect. Her husband always had a soft spot for her. He never looked at any woman other than her in his entire life.

Iniyal: So tell me, your highness. How was your trip?

Satyadev: Everything went well, Iniya. I met a strange girl at the convention.

Iniyal: Interesting. Was she beautiful?

Satyadev: I didn't notice. She was innocent.

Iniyal: You're mentioning her to me. Something should have happened.

Satyadev: You see through me easily, Iniya. She seemed innocent but something about her made me feel odd. She was from L. That could also be a reason.

Iniyal: See, you have stated the reason, your highness.


His father, the King, passed away in a few days. He ascended the throne. Iniyal was by his side as his queen.

News of his ascension reached L country and startled Sena.

Sena: Brother, have you read the news???

Dikshan: what happened, Sena? Why are you panicking?

Her face was pale and her body was shaking.

Sena: Dev is married. He was supposed to marry me.

Dikshan: It was all due to the fighting between our countries, Sena.

He lied through his teeth. He wanted to save his sister but his father was a king and he was the next one to the throne. His sister could help his way to the throne.

Sena: What do you mean?

Dikshan: L and Z always followed different ideologies. As you stayed indoors, you were never made aware of this fact.

Our father wanted to mend the relationship. Hence, he extended his hand towards Z to get you married to the prince.

Satyadev acknowledged and was ready to fight for you. However, his father stayed adamant. He was never ready to accept the wedding.

It seems that he made your Prince give his word to marry a Z woman on his death bed. As a son, he promised and married her.

Sena cried inconsolably. His heart pierced to see her tears. He knew this was the beginning of her tragedy. She was the sacrifice their country was willing to make.

Sena: I love him, brother. I would never marry anyone except him. I'll die without him.

Dikshan: He is married, Sena.

Sena: That doesn't matter. I'm a concubine daughter. You're a queen's son. Aren't we surviving???

Dikshan: They don't follow concubinism. They don't even follow monarchy anymore. Z is a democratic country.

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