I taught you

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'Nothing is sexier than a man who desires and craves only you, no one else.'

Suhasini woke up in the middle of the night and searched the space next to her hurriedly. Adi woke up the moment she was up.

Adi: What happened???

Suhasini: you are fine right??? Are you hurt somewhere??

Adi: Nothing jaan... Calm down.. Calm down... I'm fine... Look at me...

She calmed down after checking on him.

Suhasini: when did you come back???

Adi: An hour before...

Suhasini: Is everything settled???

Adi: Yes...

She hugged him tightly..

Suhasini: Please don't get hurt or put yourself in a dangerous situation...

Adi: Hasini.... Look at me... I'm this country's PM... My subjects come before anything... People's welfare is our welfare... When they are happy, we can be happy...

So I need to be on their service at any said time...

But I will try to stay safe... Okay???

Suhasini: Hmmm.. I understand... But when I see you in danger, my heart skips a beat... I really can't be without you, Adi...

He heard her concern and tightened his embrace..

Adi: I'm fine and I'll be fine... And what did you do today??? Didn't I already warn you???

Don't throw yourself in front of danger... Adhuvum enakaga....

Suhasini: I can't let you get hurt, Adi...

She said the same words in past when she dodged a bullet for him. Adi was extremely overwhelmed. Even without her memories, she still remained the same. Her answer proved her eternal love for him.

He kissed her without waiting. He found his lost treasure at that moment. She had goosebumps all over her body. He could feel it. He left her slowly.

She looked so absent. He was not able to understand her emotions at that point. He started questioning himself.

Adi: Is she really ready???

He looked at her face. He was not able to read anything from her expression. She always remained a puzzle for him.

Adi: I cannot wait anymore...

He said softly...

Suhasini: Haan???

He smiled...

Adi: I said sleep....

Suhasini: Ohhh.... Okay... Let's sleep....


She woke up briskly next morning. It was the time for her to execute her plan. Adi was not in bed when she woke up. She noticed shower running in the bathroom. She quickly called Prerna.

Suhasini: Hey Princess, How are things at your end??

Prerna: Nothing so far... Eeshwar returned too late and I slept by the time he reached...

Suhasini: Do something... Don't waste this opportunity... Talk to him di...

Prerna: I'm trying to... Dhairyam Vara mattengudhu... Sandai podrappo Vara dhairyam ippo Vara mattengudhu...

Suhasini: You can... Don't give up... Make me royal aunt soon...

Prerna: Ha ha ha ha... Anga epdi podhu??? Plan enna aachi???

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