Child's father

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'The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observes.'

Adi looked at Suhasini as she was packing her things. She then brought another suitcase to pack his stuff.

Suhasini: Do you want this brown suit?? I have placed all your suits, shirts, matching belts, cufflinks, shoes, vests and briefs.. Do you need anything more??

Adi: Aren't you scared???

Suhasini: About what??

Adi: Tomorrow's revelation..

Suhasini: oh monica??? Let her do whatever she wishes...

Adi: So you aren't scared ..

Suhasini: Nope...

Adi: Then why are you packing for the trip which is going to occur 3 days later???

She gulped..

Suhasini: Adhu vandhu....

Adi: Baby.. Do you wish to tell me anything??

Suhasini: What if they played in between?? Un pere pottuta Enna pandradhu.??

Adi: Don't worry... Apdi edhuvum aagadhu.. Ivlo yosicha naan idhe yosikka mattena???

Suhasini: You have a plan??

Adi: No...

Suhasini: Then??

Adi: I don't have plan.. But I know how to make people to act in favor of me..

Suhasini: You are becoming so mysterious these days..

Adi: You will understand with time..


Next day, at the military hospital..

Monica came early in the morning and gave her tests. Mahesh was walking the corridors to receive the first print of the result.

Mr.Mohan's family was getting impatient with each passing minute. Monica was the only one who was cool about everything. She was waiting for the moment to tell the whole world and to prove to the king. She was waiting to take a revenge on the King and old lady for her mistreatment.

Around 9.45, the nurse brought the test results and handed it over to Monica who was waiting in the corridor. She was tired from the test. But her determination made her stand on her feet..

She received the results to see them with her eyes.. Her mom and dad reached her.. Her eyes were filled with tears.. Mahesh also came closer to them.

The results read 98% match.. The child was Adi's..

Monica: Didn't I tell you???

Mohan: Don't worry my dear.. Everything is going to be fine from now on..

Mahesh read through the result and went to a corner and called Rajeev..

Mahesh: Sir.. Its positive.. Adi's child..

Rajeev: Thank god... Now go and share it in the press meet...

Let me see it in the flash news...

Mahesh then came back to Mohan family..

Mahesh: Let's go to press and publish the news..

Monica: They took the file inside to get it signed by the chief doctor and they also informed that all of the press meets are needed to be conducted by the chief doctor on behalf of the hospital..

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