Her Consent

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'Any man can treat a lady for one night, but it takes a great man to treat her right for the rest of her life.'

Oorvashi was so tensed from the morning after the scandal. She was constantly walking around her room as she was heavily nervous and anxious. She knew what happened with her brothers. Once their scandals were revealed, they were forced to marry. She was literally on the verge of tears. She was not ready for marriage.

She can never marry anyone. She did not want to marry Ranjan particularly. Because at the end of the day, he was the nicest person she had ever met. She cannot throw his life away by the chains of marriage. She was waiting for her mother to come and inform about the marriage. She was steadfast in denying the proposal.

She sat on the bed and kept looking at the door. She was extremely angry for her behaviour on that day in Jule Island. She did not know how she gave up on her heart so easily. She liked him. She loved him too. But love was not enough for them. She wounded herself already. She was not ready for another relationship.

Her door creaked. Suddenly she heard guard making an announcement from the outside.

Guard: Her Majesty, Royal Empress Dowager is to visit Her Highness, Royal Princess.

The Guards opened her room's door and Empress entered with them followed by her mother. Empress asked the guards to leave. Oorvashi stood in respect to the elderly. She did not expect her grandmother to visit.

Empress: Sit... I'm here to talk with you..

Oorvashi: Talk with me?? Your majesty??

Empress: Yes. Do you like that guy??

She shook her head.. She lied..

Empress: Then why did you do that?? It's clearly you in the picture.

She did not say anything.

Madhana: Oorvashi, we are not in a place to afford a scandal right now.

Oorvashi: I know, mother. But...

Empress: I will come to the point directly.. Do you willing to marry him??

Oorvashi: No.. Royal Grandmother, you know my situation. You are still asking me this question??

Empress: We know your situation. But the society doesn't. I don't even want them to know.

I don't want my family to become a laughing stock. Do you really think that everything is back to normal, just because that filth is no more on this earth???

His father found the first thing you did wrong and published it.

I'm not asking about your wish anymore. You will get married. This is my decision.

Oorvashi: Grandmother... Please..

Mother.. Please... Listen to me...

This is unfair to Ranjan..

Empress: You don't like him.. Why do you care for him??

Oorvashi: I care for him as a friend.

Empress: Friendship is enough to lead a life.

Oorvashi: Grandmother... Please...

Empress turned towards Madhana.

Empress: Call your sons and daughters-in-law to come. I want to meet them and announce them about the marriage.

Also call Ranjan.

Madhana: As you command, Mother.

Empress left the room. Oorvashi held on Madhana's hand.

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