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'You are home to me..
I'm coming home..'

Suhasini reached home and tried to call him. But his number was not reachable. So she tried Nathan's number which had the same results.

She then called Eeshwar..

Eeshwar: Sister-in-law...

Suhasini: Eeshwar.. Do you know about your brother's schedule or anything???

Eeshwar: Anni.. Don't worry... He reached coast half an hour before and on his way to the island in a ship.. Please don't worry.. I'm on coast..

There is a severe network outage. So you might not get his number.. But we are connecting through radio signals.

And based on that, he is totally fine...

Eeshwar could see her worry through her voice. So he assured her of his brother's safety.

Suhasini: please keep me updated. Just call me.. Okay... I will be awake...

Eeshwar: Sister-in-law.. Have some sleep.. Brother might be staying there for 3 or 4 days... Are you planning to stay awake until he returns???

Suhasini: okay I'll take care.. You too take care.. Stay safe..

Eeshwar: Good night anni...

He then cut the call..

His assistant came running towards him..

Assistant: We received weather report that storm is going to get intensified.. Its not safe to use waterways anymore...

Eeshwar: I hope his highness stays safe there...

Lines of worry were visible on his face...


Suhasini was not able to sleep properly. She had a very disturbed sleep. She was checking her phone again and again to see whether she received any calls from Eeshwar. But there was not any.

She was worried for Adi. She felt like crying. But tears were not coming. She did not sign up for anything like this. She sighed at the play of fate. She was too scared to even wink her eyes.

In the early morning, she slept for an hour from all exhaustion.

She woke up and switched on tv as the first thing. She then tuned to a news channel.

Reporter: Niru island is on the brink of destruction. Floods have entered the city. Our government is working swiftly to secure our citizens.. But with no travel between the mainland and island, the people are stranded on island..

This came as a huge thunder on her...

She called Eeshwar.

Suhasini: Eeshwar.. Just tell me.. How is he??? Did you talk with him??? why it isn't safe to travel??? Waterways um close panniyacha???

Eeshwar: Anni calm down... We are still in contact.. Its just that they are stranded.. Flood jaasthi ah irukku... So waterways close panni irukku.. May be few hours... We will send our ships to bring back people..

Neenga bayapadadhinga... Brother will be safe...

Suhasini: Its fine if you are in contact with him...

Eeshwar: Yes... You don't worry anni..

Eeshwar cut the call and looked at his assistant.

Assistant: Your highness.. We even lost the connection through radios an hour before..

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