Don't intimidate her

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'To my brother, you are special to me than you'll ever know.'

Eeshwar returned to the country a week later. He was surprised to see the person picking him up..

Without any words, he just kissed her.

Prerna: Eeshwar, what are you doing?? Media will not leave us off..

Eeshwar: Let them do whatever they want... I missed you so much... And I want them to focus on me right now...

She understood the meaning behind his words. They soon got into the car..

Prerna: So where are we going now?? Are we heading to your company??

Eeshwar: No I have some unfinished business in Palace.. We might be moving out to my penthouse again..

Prerna: Don't act rash, Eeshwar.. Please.. I know you are angry... But..

Eeshwar: Drive Prerna darling.. Drive..

She drove the car without any words.. He was angry with his parents for mistreating Adi. She felt that he was right in a way.

He entered his mother's chamber furiously..

Eeshwar: Mother.. Mother..

Madhana: you came back?? have a seat Eeshwar.. Did you have something?? Let me tell the kitchen to prepare..

Eeshwar: I'm not here to dine in Mother.. Listen to me..

Madhana: What happened?? Why are you angry??

Eeshwar: I need to see Father and Empress... Where are they??

Madhana: They are visiting some foreign delegates in the second palace.. They will be home in minutes..

Prerna darling, can you tell me what happened??

Prerna: Mother, he is talking about Brother-in-law's issue...

Madhana: Eeshwar.. Try to understand.. I know, fault is on us to doubt your brother..

Mahadev: Why are you making such a fuss on your return, Eeshwar??

Eeshwar: I'm doing what he should have done, Father..

Mahadev: Eeshwar..

Empress Dowager: Let him talk, Mahadev..

Eeshwar: He always listened to each and every word of you.. He did everything even though he didn't like anything..

He liked to race.. He loved to live in mountains.. He wanted a solitude.. A life alone at some mountains..

You brought him to country.. Sent him to army.. Pushed him into politics at just 25.. You didn't even let him marry the girl he loved..

He obeyed everything you did.. Except his marriage, have you ever seen him being happy in doing the things you forced him to do??

Still he accepted everything, because it was his birthright.. If he didn't do, then I would have been pushed.. So he did to remove the burden from my shoulders.. From your shoulders.. From this family's shoulders...

And you people are still doubting him??

Jus because he resembles grandfather??

I'm sorry.. I cannot take it anymore.. You can doubt me.. If I brought home a scandal, then that can be true..

But why did you doubt brother???

His parents did not open their mouth. Empress looked at him with an untold expression..

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