Creepy Stranger

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'Strong convictions precede great actions.'

Suhasini picked her bag and walked towards the backdoor. She felt a shadow behind her. She turned to take a peek at that person. That stranger stood little far away from her. His creepy smile gave her chills in her bones.

Her instincts kicked in and she started running towards the other end. Her mind played blurred images. Ste tried to stay clear headed. She noticed that there was no one behind her. He was not following her. But her instincts told her to keep running.

She suddenly banged on someone. Familiarity hit her nostrils before her eyes noticed the person. Her lips mumbled a name.

Suhasini: Adi....

She felt relief washing over her when she realised his presence.

Adi: Why are you running??? Hasini, What happened??

Suhasini: I saw.... I saw.... Someone.... Someo.....

She was exhausted beyond imagination. She closed her eyes in his arms. She felt finally safe.

Adi's eyes squinted. He could guess the cause behind her fear. He lifted her and left the venue quickly.


Adi's mansion...

Adi: How is she???

Kishore: Both are fine, your highness. She is extremely exhausted. Don't let her overwork.

Adi: Hmmmm....

She mumbled something in her sleeping stupor. They both looked at her in shock.

Suhasini: Rajeev.... Don't come near me...

Adi... Adi... Adi....

She shrieked in high pitch and tears started rolling down her eyes. Her shrieks burned Adi alive. He stood rooted to the ground and suddenly he felt a nudge on his shoulders.

Kishore: Comfort her, your highness.. She needs you..

Adi nodded his head. Kishore said without his usual playfulness. His seriousness showed the gravity of her situation.

Adi leaned towards her and hugged her as he sat down.

Adi: Hasini... I'm here... I'm here... Adi is here... Look at me...

Her shrieks reduced to sobs and she hugged him tightly.

Suhasini: You're here..

He felt herself relaxing in his arms. He consoled her nearly for an hour. Kishore left them in their room. He waited patiently in the living area.

Adi placed her head on pillow after she started sleeping. He walked outside to see Kishore.

Kishore: Did she meet Rajeev??? Her memories are triggered.

Adi: I know he was going to come. I didn't expect him to make his comeback today.

Kishore: Please keep closed eye on her, your highness.

She isn't ready to meet him. We don't even know how much she remembered from this incident.

She never remembered Rajeev in our hypnosis sessions. Her mind shut him down completely. She must have gone through hell.

Adi's eyes were filled with rage and Kishore stopped talking after noticing his eyes.

They heard some noise inside the bedroom. Adi ran towards it and looked at the figure in the bed.

Adi: Hasini ma....

Suhasini looked around the room and heard her husband's voice.

Suhasini: Adi..... Adi....

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