My woman

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'My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me.'

Prerna visited Eeshwar in his office to discuss about the upcoming national event. She walked in through the reception as she entered the building. Chief secretary Richard bowed to her and took her to Eeshwar's office in the top floor through the private elevator.

Richard: Ma'am, you can wait inside...

Prerna: I will wait here, Richard. I'm here for some official job.

Richard: Okay Ma'am. Our boss will return in 30 minutes..

Prerna: Thank you.. And Sorry for not making an early appointment..

Richard: Ma'am... You own 35% shares in this company. Many may not know this fact.. But I work side by side with our boss.. Please don't apologise..

She smiled..

Eeshwar returned to his office in thirty minutes. A secretary followed him to his room as she showed him the minutes of the meeting. He noticed Prerna.

Eeshwar: You came here, sweetie??? You could have just called me..

Prerna: I have a business to talk with, boss...

Eeshwar: Hmmm... Okay.. Let's go in..

The secretary who was in her late 20s stood by the side as he settled himself in the CEO chair.

Eeshwar: Tell me Mrs. Prerna Eeshwar.. What can I do for you??

She extended a file to him..

Prerna: I'm here to extend a proposal on behalf of Magic. You can see the details in the file.

He perused it for sometime and then looked at her.

Eeshwar: It looks good on paper... But I wish to hear it from you.. Sell it to me..

Prerna explained the benefits of the project and its success. He was still unconvinced.

Prerna: You're playing hard to get..

Eeshwar: Is it me or you???

Prerna glared at him.

He then asked the secretary to leave the room. She left his office but stood by door and eavesdropped on their conversation.

Prerna: What are you doing, Eeshwar??

Eeshwar: Why are you staying away from me, sweetie??? You know how much I need you...

Prerna: You would have been honest with me if you really mean it.

Eeshwar: I have always been honest with you, sweetie...

Prerna: Really??? Please think and tell me...

He received a call at that moment...

Eeshwar: Okay, I'm coming...

Sweetie, Client from G is here to meet me... I will be back in sometime.. Please wait...

Prerna: Okay...

She was staying away from him after knowing whatever happened with Suhasini. He was supposed to tell her everything and stay loyal and honest to her. Instead he chose to lie to her for four years. It hurt her deeply.

The secretary moved back to her office when she noticed him coming out of the room.

Prerna went to cafeteria to grab some tea and biscuits for her. That secretary had a cynical expression on her face when she met Prerna's eyes.

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