Chapter Nine - Hidden (Part One)

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Bree couldn't figure out what Jace's deal was. One minute he was determined to get out all her secrets, the next he didn't seem to care. Nothing seemed to make any sense when he was around.

Shaking her head Bree got up and followed Jace's previous path to the exit. She had to stay focused on the problem at hand because it wasn't Jace's annoying personality disorder that was the big issue, it was his sudden interest in her. Even if she had been invisible for years it didn't mean she had been blind. Bree knew that even if he wasn't the most popular kid in the crowd Jace could still bring a heck of a lot more attention then she wanted. So,hoping beyond all hope that Jace was already in a class, Bree trudged towards the hospital wing.

She had promised the doctor that if nothing had changed with her memory then she would pay a visit in one week. If Bree didn't pay the doctor a visit then to Jace, and now the guard too, it would look like she had regained her memory. 

Standing in front of the door taking deep breaths Bree heard footsteps approaching. "All you do is twist the knob and push," Jace smirked. "Watch." He then proceed to do what he instructed her. Bree huffed and stormed past him, cheeks flaming. To her surprise, Jace followed and shut the door behind him.

Bree rolled her eyes when he plopped down in one of the chairs and proped his feet up. "Why are you here? Harassing me isin't enough, now you have to attend my doctor's appointments too?"

Jace's eyes darkened. "For once my love, this isn't about you. Besides, shouldn't you be grateful to me? I was the one who found you passed out in the foyer and instead of leaving you there I brought you here." Before Bree has time to respond the doctor strode in so she settled on just glaring.

"Now Bree," the doctor began, " any headaches?"




"Feeling sick?"

"Fine, actually."

"Ok. And what about your memory? Are you still missing things?"

"Just right before I passed out. Other than that my memory's perfect Doctor."

"Ok so, we can do one of two things-"

"Can we just do nothing?" Bree interrupted.

"Excuse me?" The doctor looked up, even Jace seemed to be listening. "Don't you want your memory, Bree?"

"Not really," she shrugged, thinking it was now or never; either way she needed these clowns off her back, "I mean I don't really care. I couldn't have been doing anything very important and I don't really like all these tests and such plus my head is fine, so can I just leave it as is?" Bree held her breath hoping they bought all the lies she'd spewed.

Finally, the doctor nodded. "I, well, I suppose so. You free to go then...take care of yourself."

Jace watched Bree as she left. He hadn't missed how she'd held her breath while she waited for the doctor's response, nor had missed the look of relief that swept over her face at his answer. Something was going on with the green-eyed beauty and Jace was determined to figure it out.

"Jace would you mind filling out Bree's final discharge papers?"

"I got it Doc, don't worry." Jace replied, shrugging.

"Oh and just put deceased under parent contact info, okay? I don't think it's already in the system." All Jace could do was stare numbly at the Doctor's retreating back. Deceased. 


Hey guys,

Sorry about the way this chapter ended I just couldn't get anything done. I've speant days just trying to krank this bit out and I wanted to give anyone who's reading at least something before midterms.

Hope you like this much, comment/vote! xo

P.S. IF I end up revisiting this chapter I may expand on it, if not i'll just call this chapter done and move on to chapter 10. 

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