Chapter Five - Running

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After lunch the doctor did some more tests. They seemed meaningless enough to Bree so while the doctor fiddled with little wires on his machines and took notes on a clipboard she let her mind drift. When the doctor was done the numerous blood tests and other things he finally spoke, "Now I want to do just a simple power gauge and then you're free to go, Bree." 

"Exactly what will this power gauge show you?" Bree looked at the doctor with frightened eyes.

"Just if you're at your full strength when it comes to your abilities. I can't very well send you back to class and have you kicked out of the Elites over a simple misunderstanding. You know they're very strict on magical abilities as well as physical, Bree."

"So you can't tell how many bars I am?"

"Goodness no! Measuring bars only makes the waiting time for results longer. I'm sure every here who needs that information already knows it but if you'd like-"

"NO. I-I mean n-no, thank you. Like you said everyone who needs to know already does."

Squinting at Bree the doctor nodded. "Doc?"

"In here, Jace." The doctor called.

Bree watched as Jace carried a huge, bulky machine into the small testing room and laid it down on a table. Reaching to turn on the machine he winked as he caught her staring. "Ready?" He asked with a smirk.

Having two sets of eyes trained on her unnerved Bree. Yes, she was a part of the Elites but she did her very best to become an unnoticed, overlooked person. She'd thought it would be hard at first but she soon realized in life people tend to get praised for their accomplishments or picked on for their failures; the people in the middle, well, they become invisible. And Bree liked invisible, she needed it. "So you're just going to see if I'm full strength that's it right? No bars right?"

"Right." The doctor smiled but Jace gave Bree a confused look. He knew from experience people, especially Elites, tended not to shy away from having their bars measured. Normally it was a thing people enjoyed having done just to be able to show off.

"Don't like bragging?"

"Huh?" Bree snapped her head towards Jace, choosing instead to focus on his chest rather then meet his gaze.

"You don't want you're bars measured. That's a little odd. Normally people like to get them measured and brag about them afterwords."

Bree tensed, "Guess I'm not one for bragging." Jace could see he'd hit home in some way so he decided to leave it. Bree Michael's motives for keeping her bars to herself were none of his business, for all he knew she may have just barely made it into the Elites and was a little embarrassed.

As soon as the last test was over Bree hopped off the table, mumbled a thank you to the doctor and was half way down the hallway before she felt something catch her wrist. Immediately she panicked. Yanking her wrist away with all the force she had Bree used the momentum to swing her elbow back viciously into her attacker's face.

"Man! What the hell!?" Jace was lying on the floor clutching his nose wearing a tight white t-shirt which Bree realized was quickly staining with blood. "Jeez, now I know why you're an Elite. I was only bringing you your sweater, didn't have to go all Kung Fu on me."

Bree felt her cheeks flame. "S-sorry. You, um, you surprised me." 

He ignored the hand she offered and hoisted himself up. "Here," he said, handing her the sweater. "I'm going back to Doc's I guess. See you around." Bree watched his back for a minute with a longing she didn't quite understand gnawing deep in her chest then she ran.

Running was good. Bree had decided a long time ago that running was safe. It was the only thing she could depend on. She knew if she ate right and kept fit then she would always be able to go fast. Over the years of her short life Bree had learned that unlike people running was reliable.



So the whole idea behind this is to keep the reader guessing for a while, however, if it comes to the point where anyone's missing anything essential for comprehension then please let me know.

Anyways, comment, vote/fan! xo

OH! And also if anyone would like to edit lemme know :)

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