Chapter Twenty-Seven - Blocked (part two)

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To: Evrmorefanatic. I know this is a long time coming but I've dreamed about people saying what you said last chapter for years. Thank you.

To all my other reading/commenters/voters thank you. Even when it seems like I don't notice I do. I notice every single vote and it really makes me happy that you guys are supporting something so important to me.

ALSO, (god sorry this is so long) I'm sorry for taking so long. I'll try to put more of an effort it  but sometimes I hardly have time to eat in a day and so that's why it's taking so long. Love you all!

"Um.." Bree stumbled wondering where to begin.

Louis smiled patiently like he got that reaction a lot and promoted, "Just start with the one who looked the oldest. Tell me everything you can remember about how he looked."

Jace laid his hand reassuringly on Bree's thigh. "Well, he was...tall..."Bree trailed off feeling he face flush.

Louis gave her a sympathetic look, "Com'on sweetheart, you've gotta give me a bit more than that."

Bree shook her heard holding back the tears forming. She vaguely wondered when she'd formed the habit of crying because of frustration and felt like a baby as Jace started to rub soothing circles on her back. "I just can't..." she tried desperately to explain, "it's like every time I try to picture them the image in my head gets fuzzy."

Louis nodded, his lips set in a grim line. Getting up he pulled out a sleek looking sliver phone and put it to his ear. After a few minutes of mumbling into it he came back to his chair and sat. Jace looked at him expectantly but Louis didn't speak until a knock came at the door. "You're free to go. See you tomorrow!" Louis waved happily and then walked in to his office, effectively dismissing the shocked pair.

"Move it kids, we've got places to be." Henry grumbled from the doorway, suddenly.

"Like where?" Bree asked, getting up and moving towards the door.

Henry chuckled, "Let's just say we're going to see a ... friend."

Fifteen minutes later Henry had led Bree and Jace to the fenced off section of the beach. Standing there, grinning like a lunatic was none other than Sabrina. "Why are all you're father's helpers so bipolar?" Bree grumbled quietly to Jace. He chuckled but didn't respond.

"Bree lovely! Get that cute little butt of yours over here! It seems we have some more work to do!" Sabrina called, although by the end it sounded more like she was attempting opera. Shooting Jace one last pleading look Bree marched over. "So Louis tells me that memory of your is still giving you trouble, huh?" Bree nodded slowly. "Okay here's what I wanted you to do: sit." Bree followed Sabrina's instructions and watched as Sabrina mirrored her. "Now tell me about Jace?"

Bree jerked back, "What? Why?"

"Because I need your mind to let me in, so tell me about Jace."

Bree cleared her throat awkwardly, all too aware that Jace was most likely still within hearing range. "Well, he's, uh...nice." Sabrina shot Bree a withering look. Sighing Bree tried again. "Jace is my boyfriend...I think?"

Sabrina chuckled, "You think?"

Bree pulled on the fingers of her right hand feeling uncomfortable. "Well we kissed and all but he never really like asked or anything?" By that time Bree could physically feel the heat radiating of her face but instead of replying Sabrina stood up.

"Done." She chirped slapping her hands together like she was wiping off dust.

"Done?" Bree echoed.

"Yep, just try and remember." Almost of of nowhere the oldest boy's tall, lean frame came swimming into view. The more she stared the more Bree could see his starling green eyes that were so different from her own even though they were the same color...

"He had midnight black hair. There were lines on his face, around his eyes and mouth, that you wouldn't expect someone his age to have. He didn't look like an evil person, he just looked guarded." Bree explained to Louis back in the art studio.

Jace intertwined their fingers and leaned over to kiss her cheek. "You're amazing, Pay." He whispered.

Suddenly, Louis's head popped out from behind the easel. Bree giggled as he pointed his paint brush menacingly at Jace. "Hey! I thought I told you to zip it, lover boy!" With a lasting glare Louis got up to replace the canvas with another. "Next!"

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