Chapter Twenty-Seven - Blocked(Part One)

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"So you expect me to believe that the primary suspect in my case has found the magic answer to all my questions annnd it conveniently doesn't have anything to do with her?" Henry looked between Jace and Bree. When he got only silence as a reply his eyes widened, he really had thought they were playing a joke.

Bree looked down at her hands folded in her lap, "I have a recording." She said quietly.

"Well you should have started with that." Henry huffed and held out his hand. Bree handed over her cellphone and watched Henry pull up the recording. She held her breath as he hit play only letting it go when the voices stopped. "Well, it's worth looking into." Henry finally admitted. "Do you think you could describe each of the speakers for us?"

Bree nodded, "I think so."

"Good," Henry said briskly, standing up, "let's go." Jace stood along with Bree. To her, his hand felt like the only thing keeping her tethered to the earth. "You stay, Jace." Henry nodded at the chair his son had previously been occupying.

Bree covered their already clasped hands with her free one, "Oh no, please let him come. Please..."

Henry shook his head slightly but only mumbled, "You two sure don't listen well. Good match at least." Bree shot Jace a relived smile as he tugged her from the room.

Henry lead the pair to a small room at the end of the corridor. He opened the door to reveal what looked to Bree like a artist's studio. The far wall was made completely of glass with a perfect view of a grassy meadow. Tall, wooden easels were scattered around the room with drawings at various stages and right in the centre of the room on a circular mat was a tall cart of professional supplies. "Hard core..." Jace joked. Henry's glare silenced Bree's giggles.

Bree watched as Henry walked back towards the door, pushing a button Bree hadn't even noticed. Suddenly a bell rang throughout the room and a few minutes later another door opened.

"You called?" The man stood tall, much taller than even Henry or Jace, with extremely thin arms and legs and pointy edges all around. He had electric blue eyes and a shock of white hair upon his head that he wore short and spiked.

Henry turned to Bree. "Bree, this is Louis. Hate him, like him, love him, I don't care just get used to him. Now sit." Louis tutted at Henry but remained silent.

Bree took a seat. Jace stood behind her, firmly planting his hand on her shoulders. Bree found comfort in the gesture but she was sure it was more to show his father that he was staying put. As she suspected,a moment later, Henry nodded at Jace and slammed the door slightly on his way out.

"Temper, temper." Louis laughed.

"Always, always." Jace echoed with a smirk, letting go of Bree to pull up a chair. "So how do we do this?"

"You Mr. Pretty-boy-protective-macho-boyfriend sit there and shut up." Louis pointed a menacing finger at Jace before continuing while gesturing toward Bree,"Me and my lovely here are going to create a piece de resistance...that will eventually be used to hunt down a criminal."

Jace did as he was told. He found that he was happy for once to take it easy an admire Bree's profile as she sat in the chair. God, he thought, she's even more special than I thought. Jace grinned when he realized how right she'd proven him already.

Louis ambled about the room gathering supplies here and then before heaving himself into the chair that waited before an empty easel.  "And they were how many again?"


Louis nodded and piled three square canvases next to his seat then turned to the one resting on his easel. "So what did the first ass look like?" He grinned up at Bree.


Okay, okay, okay. So I know this isni't the big, earth shattering chapter you've all been waiting for but frankly it's all I have at the moment so hopefully you at least enjoyed meeting a new character!

This IS only part one so there will be more to this chapter but I wanted to give you guys something because of the great support you've shown.

Also, there is one point that my friend (who is also on wattpad) brought to my attention. To many of you it may (or may not) seem like I have bad grammar but what I'd like you to keep in mind is that every place in the world has their own distinct dialect. The place I come from is known for our "accents" and unique way of speaking the English language. Personally, I don't see this as an issue that effects my writing but if any of you do I hope you'll take this into consideration. :)

Let me know what you think! xox

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