Chapter Nine - Hidden (Part two)

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So as I mentioned before I really wasn't happy about the way Part One of this chapter ended so to keep anyone who's already reading from missing anything I decided to just make a Part Two rather than editing the existing chapter.

Here it is!.....


Guilt began to consume Jace. His mind went over every suspicion he'd had about Bree. He had been certain she was hiding something and it turned out he was right - just not in the way he thought. Quickly filling out Bree's discharge paper's Jace rushed out of the hospital wing hoping to locate Bree herself. After searching for almost an hour in every nook and cranny he could possibly think of Jace finally remembered - the waterfall. 

Bree didn't notice as Jace softly let the door shut behind him. She was sitting on the rock formation with her legs curled up underneath her. 

"Hey." Jace spoke softly, not wanting to ruin the quiet atmosphere.

Bree's eyes narrowed. "What are you doing here, Jace?"

"I came to say I'm sorry."

"Excuse me?" Bree scrunched her eyebrows together. "What is that even supposed to mean? Are you this weird around everyone or am I just special?" She turned around effectively dismissing him but Jace wasn't finished.

"You're special." He paused. "I'm not always this weird it's just...I don't know when I get around you my blood boils. The fact that our leader was just attacked and you're not willing to give up information I know you remember baffles me. I don't get you, spending all your time alone in dark corners, doing everything not to be noticed. Nothing about you makes sense."

"Nice apology."

"That wasn't the apology, Bree."


"This is: I'm sorry. Even though it boils my blood and baffles me I haven't exactly been going through the "proper channels" as Dad would say. So for that I'm sorry and -." 

"Are you kidding me!? You're not sorry for practically harassing me but for not going through proper channels!? You are insane! So what if I want to keep things to myself, it's called privacy, Jace! And why the heck does it matter if I want to go unnoticed!? It's my life, Jace! You really need to learn how to back off."

Jace swallowed harshly and continued. "As I was saying, and I'm sorry about your Mom and Dad."  Jace didn't even have enough time to lift a finger as Bree's hand collied with his face sending it sideways and leaving a small red imprint the exact size of her hand.

"Leave. Me. Alone." She spat before leaving.

 Bree was fuming as she headed to her room. She couldn't believe the nerve of that kid. She jokingly wondered if she could sue him for harassment but then thought better of it when she realized how much attention that would draw to her.

"Bree!" She whirled when she heard his voice.

"Are you deaf!? Really, Jace, I just slapped you what more do you need?" Bree was stunned. Whatever the boy lacked in brains he certainly made up for in persistence.

"Bree, I just, I have to talk to you."

"You just did. Like two minutes ago. I slapped you remember?"

"Oh, I remember. And after this I have a feeling I might get another but I was serious when I said you're special. If you ever need me, even if it's just for someone to talk to, let me know."

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