Chapter Twenty - Revealed

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Henry waited until he could no longer hear Jace's footsteps before speaking, "I'm calling an emergency meeting of the Guard. Be ready to present your results on the hour, Doctor. It's time we finish this thing once and for all, you know as well as I do that we have more important things to worry about now."

At seven o'clock that evening Bree sat on her bed thinking about the events of the day. She'd always known that she had power but it really surprised her how far she had been able to go. Surprised and scared her. I think it's time, she thought miserably and went to retrieve the old duffel bag she kept in the bottom of her closet...

At the same time the Doctor stood in front of Henry, Agent Brimstone, Jace - who had convinced his father he just wanted to witness a Guard meeting because he was finally interested in following in Henry's footsteps- and the other top Guard members and well as the Leader's assistant. They were seated in a tight fitted board room with a rectangular table and gray, dreary walls.

Henry spoke first, "You all know we are here to discuss some new information in the case. So far we know that an unknown source, which we suspect is a group, attempted an attack on our Leader. Before the Guard could adequately respond to the threat another unknown source was able to protect the Leader through what we think was a force field until the Guard removed the Leader from the foyer. The doctor here has done some tests on one of the suspects, Bree Micheals, and he has found, from what I understand, some very interesting results." Finally Henry turned to the Doctor, "Begin." he said.

"Well, in short Bree is expectational. In long, we preformed a total of five tests on her." The doctor leaned over and pushed a button on the wall next to him. The computerized section of the wall came alive with charts, all neatly lined up in squares but they were too small to read anything on them.The doctor tapped a normal looking chart with a red line spiking upwards. In an instant he had pulled up another chart next to it. Both charts looks exactly the same except for the noticeably smaller spike on the second chart.

The doctor pointed to the first chart with the larger spike, "This is Bree's blood work. This," he gestured towards the second chart, "is an average Elite's blood work."

"So what does it mean exactly, Doctor?" Agent Brimstone asked politely.

"As you know the blood work we do tests for the specific mutated platelets that contain the only known linkage to the cause of our powers. Bree's platelet numbers are significantly higher than average. This at first lead me to believe she could be of Guard rating, maybe a four bar. This would explain her higher than average platelet levels because the average Elite is only a three bar."

"I sense a but coming..."One of the guards said with a smile.

The Doctor returned the smile, "But then Jace and I continued our testing. We completed the weight lifting first and the results are inconclusive. Bree lifted all of my weights, adding up to about four tons, without even breaking a sweat. However, I feel it is necessary to point out she did seem unaware of her strength."

"Actress." Henry mumbled.

The Doctor nodded and continued. "Next, we moved to the arena for the FFT and CPT. Bree successfully made a force field around herself and  Jace. I've never in my life seen anything like it. I even threw a pen at it. Nothing. It bounced off like it had hit a wall. She's also able to isolate the shield to separate parts of her body.

Normally, we keep eight volunteers on hand for the CPT and only use about three, and that's only for Guard worthy Elites. Bree used all eight." He watched the shock on the men's faces for a moment before he continued, "Honestly, it looked like she could have combined with more if I had continued the test."

"And why didn't you?" Henry asked.

"We decided to go straight to the Element testing, Dad." Jace replied for the Doctor, who nodded his  head.

"Yes, Jace is right. I was instructed to do what I though necessary and I thought continuing with the CPT would be a waste of our time. Like I previously told Henry, Bree was born in February which would make her a water. Jace took her to the water room and I brought out the cart. It was then that Bree promptly passed out."

"Seems like someone's got something to hide." One of the agents said.

"It does, doesn't it?" Henry replied, sparking a discussion on whether or not Bree was guilty.

"There's more." The Doctor said firmly. 

"Of course. How could I forget?" Henry said. 

When all the attention was again on the Doctor he continued, "When we got Bree up and running again and brought her back to the water room she told us it wasn't right. Frankly, I thought she was just trying to get out of another test but we humored her. The three of us found ourselves on the beach just a few minutes away and she told Jace and I to move back. That's when she was able to make a giant wave move over and around her. She came back to us completely dry. 

I've never seen anything like this child. Ever. I've never heard of anyone coming close to what she's able to do without breaking a sweat. I don't know if Bree Micheals is involved in your investigation in any way but I do know Bree is extremely powerful and she could be very useful to this Academy. Also, there's no way to be sure because I didn't administer a bar reading but I think she might be a eight bar."

"A WHAT!?" Jace jumped out of his seat knocking his chair back in the process. The Guard surrounding him looked like they were about to do the same.

"I told you she was unheard of."

"But not a eight bar! Does that even exist?"

"I think it might, Jace."

"B-but even the most powerful Guards are only fours. Our leader's a five for God's sake. How in the world can she be an eight!?"

Henry stood up and put his fists on the table leaning towards the Doctor. "I want a bar reading. Find her, do it and report back here to me. Jace, help him. Gentlemen., it seems we have some discussing to do." Jace and the doctor left the room. "First let's all agree on one thing: Bree is involved, correct?" Every man in the room nodded their heads. "But how?"

"She has to be the group leader! I mean come on, the doctor thinks she could combine more then eight Elites. That's three more then what we thought was in the group in the first place." Doug stated.

"But what if she's not?"

"What are you saying, Brimstone?" Henry asked.

"I'm saying, what if she was the one to protect the Leader and not endanger him? Doc did say she created a shield didn't he?"


"BREE! Come on already! Open the door or I'll kick it out down!" Jace shouted.  He and the doctor had been standing outside Bree's door for five minutes and still she hadn't replied. "That's it..."Jace muttered and before the doctor could do anything Bree's door was lying flat on her floor. Jace waited at the door while the doctor checked around the apartment. 

"Jace!" The doctor called when he reached Bree's room. Inside Jace saw Bree's bedroom - empty. The dresser drawers were left open with left behind clothes hanging on the edges.

"Where is she?"

"Call you father, Jace. Now." The doctor demanded. 


**Reminder: CPT - combined powers test. FFT - force feild test** 

Hello my lovlies :)

So this whole chapter was written in one sitting after I finished dancing around my house. The out pouring of support I've seen today for this book makes me soo happy. Even single one of your reads and votes means the world to me.

So again, I'll keep posting you lovely people keep spreading the word.

Thank you so much xoxoxoox

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