Chapter Twenty-Five - Found

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To RickRiordancCrazy

For making me smile with your lovely comments. Every time I read them it pushes me to write more. You are the reason this chapter is complete.

Bree almost tripped over her own feet in an attempt to keep pace with Henry as he sped down the stone hallway. "Sir," she placed her hand on his arm but he quickly shook it off, "um..where are we going? Who exactly do we have to see?"

Henry stopped abruptly and turned to face her sharply. "Let's get a few thing straight, shall we?" He didn't wait for a reply. "You are under investigation. Period. End of story. Until proven otherwise you are still a suspect, meaning: I need more concrete evidence then a story from a girl whose spent her whole life lying. Therefore I do not ever plan on informing you of my actions throughout my own investigation. If that's an issue for you, your cell is free. Understood?" Bree nodded numbly, shocked at his harshness.

Bree was surprised when they arrived at the doctor's office rather than an interrogation office. Henry walked inside and then turned to her, "Now, tell the Doctor everything you told me." When Bree was finished the doctor only huffed. He was annoyed that his fellow "medical professionals" had caused the Elites to lose such an astounding talent for so many years.

Finally, Henry spoke impatiently, "Doc?"

"Oh! Right, well Henry as far as I'm concerned I don't have the authority to really confirm or deny anything-" The doctor paused unsure which name to call Bree now that he had learned her real name.

"Just call me Bree." She mumbled quickly.

The doctor nodded awkwardly, "From what I've seen I don't think Bree would have any issues as to making a shield of that strength. Would it be able to hold up to a power such as she described? I don't know. Is the power she described impossible? All I can say is, until a few days ago I thought a power such as Bree was impossible and look how that turned out." The doctor gave a small shrug.

Suddenly a petite nurse ran into the room. "Doctor! There are more patients coming in, if you don't get back soon we will be hopelessly behind."

"Right well Agent, Bree, I must go. It's become very busy here as of late. If you need anything else from me please let me know."

When the doctor made his leave Henry turned on his heal and left the room. Bree assumed that was the new signal for her to follow him. They arrived in one of the housing sections of the Academy that Bree had never seen before. Henry stopped at a purple door marked 205. Bree vaguely remembered a professor telling her that it was against Academy policy to decorate doors in any permanent manor before the purple door opened to reveal a beautiful dark haired Hispanic woman. She smiled widely, "Henry! What can I do for you sweetie?" Behind the woman Bree could see just a glimpse of more purple on the walls, on the floor, and the sparkling curtains - it was everywhere.

Henry cleared his throat, "I need some help with this one, Sabrina." He spoke stiffly almost like he still wasn't used to asking for help with anything but if Sabrina noticed she didn't say anything, just pulled her door closed and began walking.

"Affinity?" She asked. Her earlier sunny mood was gone replaced by a more serious tone that reminded Bree of a business woman...or a Guard.

"Water it seems." Henry answered.

"The beach it is then, baby." Sabrina leaned over to pinch Bree's cheeks which immediately flamed red. "Oh! She's adorable!" Sabrina cried. 

Reaching the beach Bree noticed they were heading for a fenced-off section of the beach marked restricted. Bree couldn't help but think of how many things about life at the Academy seemed restricted.  

When Sabrina pulled out an access key and swiped it along a metal box on the gate it opened to reveal...more beach? Instead of the spectacular mystery that Bree had been expecting the restricted area was simply like the rest f the beach but with a tall wooden fence surrounding it.

Sabrina walked gracefully to the center of the open sand and then motioned for Bree to approach. Henry stayed still as a statue by the gate.

"You passed out after the incident, correct?" Sabrina questioned. Bree nodded, wary of what was coming next. "Well don't look so scared, sugar!" Sabrina giggled like a southern belle. "We're just gonna see if we can get anything else outta that noggin of yours that mighta been lost when you hit it, kay?" Bree nodded, more confused by Sabrina's changing moods and dialects than anything else.

Again, Sabrina became serious. She clasped Bree's fingers in her own and closed her eyes. Bree followed suit. "Now start at the beginning. Why were you in the foyer?" 

"I was passing through, leaving class." 

"Which class?" Sabrina pushed.


"Don't fight it. Bree, just relax."

After a few moments Bree said, "Training. It had to be. I was sweaty and exhausted and I was late for history."

"Good girl." Sabrina praised. "Now, you see the leader but behind him there's something in the tunnels - shadows. What are the shadows Bree?"

Bree tried and tried. She relaxed, took deep breaths and even tried to go to a happy place like Sabrina suggested but despite her efforts the only thing Bree could remember was that there were no shadows in her memory, only four dark figures lurking in the tunnel.

Sabrina sighed, "That's enough for today, sweetheart." She finally said.

Bree nodded and walked over to Henry who gave her permission to leave. 

Instead of going to Jace's like she had planned Bree ended up at the back entrance to the waterfall, the one she hadn't told anyone about. She entered quietly, as was her habit and stopped short when she saw four dark figures through the trees...


IMPORTANT: There have been minor changes made to the previous chapter. Like I said they are minor and won't interfere with the story at this point that much but I thought you guys should know (August.26.2013)

I hope you guys liked this and maybe will forgive me for my bad updating habbits (never thought I'd be saying that) but this summer has been crazy.

Love you all!! Please comment/vote if you liked it :)

Oh! And it's getting harder and harder to name these chapters so if you guys have one word suggestions that you think might fit a future chapter/go with a chapter better I'd love to hear them!

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