Chapter Ten - Confession

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Waking up the next afternoon Bree was again disoriented. As she looked around, she heard cups rattling in the kitchen. Bree jumped out of bed and began to look for a weapon as she made her way down the hall. Finally settling on a picture frame hanging on the wall she entered the kitchen with it raised above her head. Her eyes narrowed when they focused on a tall blond male in the middle of the room.

"WOAH!" Jace said, raising his hands in surrender.

Immediately Bree dropped the picture frame back to her side. "Hi, Jace." Seeing Jace's face helped Bree to remember the events of the previous day.

"What were you gonna do? Hit me with pictures from my youth?" As Bree looked down she could see a younger Jace with a big, toothy grin.

"You'd be surprised." She mumbled. Bree looked down not wanting Jace to see the pink that coloured her cheeks.

"Mhmm, I'm sure I would," Jace laughed,"Coffee?"

"Please." Bree eagerly reached for the offered mug.

The two sat down at the table in a comfortable silence. Staring out the window Jace sighed. "Bree?"

"Yeah, Jace?"

"I meant every word I said."

"I know, Jace."

"Why don't you just take a breather? Open up to someone maybe?"

"Because I can't Jace. Because just a few days ago you were only talking to me because it was official business. I can't have that in my life, Jace, I can't afford it."

"Afford what?"

"Uncertainty." Bree said finally.

"How can being that alone be comforting for you? Don't you want to reach out and grab your dreams? It sucks having everything forced upon you."

"And how would you know anything about that stuff?"

Jace took a deep breath and in a spilt second made his decision. "My Dad has my life planned out."

Bree rolled her eyes."Oh please Jace. We hardly know each other and I already have to listen to Daddy woes?"

"Just shut up for a second okay Bree? Listen for once." Jace said, laughing.

"Fine." She replied with a pout.

"So by now I take it you know I help out at the hospital wing?"


"Well my Dad hates it. He's a member of the guard. Our family actually has a long line of guards, usually high ranking ones." Bree watched as Jace wrinkled his nose in distaste. "That's not me. It wasn't me when I was four and he started pushing it on me and it's not me now. My Dad respects the doctor and his work but for him my goals in medicine are like a disgrace."

"I didn't know."

"Obviously." Jace smirked. He was about to continue when his cellphone started to ring. "Hello?...Why?...Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can, Doc. See you." Jace turned to Bree again. "I need to go Bree, Doc needs my help. You welcome to stay here as long as you want just make sure to lock up before you leave okay?"

"Where are you going?" Jace was disappointed to see the wall that Bree worked so hard to maintain begin to slide back in place. 

"I have to help Doc with something, he didn't say what.." After a moments hesitation Jace continued, "Wanna come with?"

Bree looked up quickly and nodded. It felt odd to have someone to include her in things again and despite her determination to remain invisible there was something about Jace that drew her to him.

"Cool," He smiled, "We can drop by your room if you want to change as long as your quick."


It turned out they had been right next to her room when Bree passed out the night before. Jace found he was unable to hide his laughter but when Bree questioned him he simply motioned for her to unlock the door. Bree quitely let them in and directed him to her living room.

"And I swear, Jace Andrews, if you so much as touch one thing..." Her threat faded as she walked down the hall.

Jace chuckled, looking around the room. The walls were a plain brown, void of any pictures. Expect for the couch he was sitting on, Jace could only see a simple coffee table and a cheap TV on an old desk in the corner. Frankly, he didn't see a whole lot to touch but he followed Bree's instructions nevertheless.

After a few minutes he saw a high brunette ponytail out of the corner of his eye. Jace turned just in time to see Bree's back enter the kitchen. He rose and followed her. "You ready?"

"Yep." She said, finishing the last of her drink as she leaned against the counter.

Jace couldn't help but smile. "Well lead the way m'lady." She moved to exit the room but before he could react she landed a hard smack on the back of his head.

"OW woman! Same spot too."

"Well I could try a lower region if you like." Bree threw over her shoulder. Jace stood staring at her for a second stunned before he finally realized she was joking. He hoped. 

Walking into the waiting area Jace noticed there was a few more people then usual. Bree raised her eyebrows at him but didn't make any comment. They found the doctor in the back room washing his hands.

"Sup Doc?"

"Jace! You're finally here I need you to...I see you've brought company, Bree." The doctor nodded at her.

"Is that a problem Doc?"

"No, I'm just, uh, concerned about patient privacy."

"I should go..."Bree turned awkwardly to leave.

"No. Don't go Bree, you can help Jace with some filing."

"Aw Doc-"

"Not another word Jace, off you go now." Jace didn't argue. He knew if the doctor had something to tell him, which Jace suspected he did, then the doctor would tell him eventually. Moving closer to Bree her placed his hand on her lower back and guided her into the filing room. "Let's just throw the few files in a bin and get outta here. Won't take long I promise." He whispered in her ear.

There turned out to be more than just a few files. 

"Why are there so many?"

"Well everyone who come in has to be documented and then refiled. The system's so old it's like we're still back on earth or something but Doc refuses to change his ways. Says they can update when he's dead."

"And this many people come in everyday?" Bree said raising her eyebrows slightly at the hefty pile in front of them.

"Well no, not usually. Must be something going around." Jace paused to pick up a folder. "See this yellow sticky note with the horrible handwriting? That's Doc's writing. Everything on this," Jace held up the sticky and then pointed to the folder, "goes in here. Got it?"

"Got it." 

Bree took her half of the files but stopped at the first sticky. "Loss of powers?" She whispered.

"Happens all the time. People lose a little power when they're sick, no biggie. Just write it down Bree." Jace informed her without making eye contact.

Bree did as she was instructed. She noticed that almost everyone of her files had a yellow sticky with Loss of power written on it. Even though Jace had reassured her it was nothing, the thought it made her think back to her near death experience and shiver.


SO. This chapter is really setting up some important plot for the rest of the novel.

Hope you guys like it, please comment/vote! xox

Also this chapter is dedicated to my amazing friend because she's always there when I need her for plot workings or support when I'm blocked. Love you :)

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