Chapter Seventeen - Tested(part one)

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Bree woke up three days later with a dry mouth and a headache. Today was the day. She slowly made her way out of bed and to her bathroom. After her morning routine Bree headed out.

She walked into the doctor's office visibly shaking. Seeing Jace's face again caused her stomach to do cartwheels. She mentally patted herself on the back, thinking that skipping breakfast had been a very good idea. 

"Go away." She mumbled fiercely.

"Bree, I found you in a ball on the floor, I'm not about to go anywhere."

"UGH! Why can't you just listen for once Jace!? I-do-not-want-you-here. Leave." Bree raged. Again Jace refused to listen. He gently pulled her off the couch and then pulled her onto his lap, wanting only to soothe her.

An hour after they had first arrived at Bree's apartment and the gears in her brain had finally started moving again. She'd quickly decided that if she was going down she wasn't doing if without a fight.

"This is the last time I'm going to say this, Jace, go away. I don't need the guard, I don't need that doctor, I don't need a family and I most certainly don't need you!"

"All I've ever done is try to help you!" He ran a frustrated hand through his golden locks. For a moment Bree was distracted.

"I don't need help! God! Why are you so clingy? Just take the hint already." Bree knew she was spitting lies left, right and center but she wanted Jace out of her life for good and she knew the only way to do that was to hit him where it hurt.

"Whatever." For the first time Jace's voice was dangerously even. After one last glance he quickly stormed out her door.

She hadn't seen him since.

Jace was secretly worried Bree might fall into a nervous heap on the floor as he watched her shake her tiny head and climb onto the hospital bed. He knew better then to say anything though, espically after their last match in the middle of her living room. Today was about something else entirely and Jace knew he needed to stay focused on that.

"Okay," the doctor said as he strolled into the tension filled room, "let's get started, shall we?" Jace remained silent, leaning against the wall with his clenched fists hidden behind his back. Bree sat soundlessly worrying her bottom lip with her teeth.

"Jace?" Jace's head snapped up to find the doctor holding out a brown clipboard expectantly. Snapping back from his thoughts Jace reached out for the clipboard and dug deep into his pocket for a pen. It was his job to record any necessary information during the doctor's tests.

Bree remained speechless as the doctor prodded her arms with needles. She ignored the meaningless numbers he quietly whispered and refused to look at Jace as her feverishly scribbled them down. Bree was secretly afraid of needles but she was determined to show no fear in front of Jace. When the doctor was finally finished with her arms he asked Bree to stand.

It started with a paper clip. Bree was instructed to stand on an X at the far side of the room and lift the paperclip off the bed. Reluctantly, Bree stretched out her hand curling her fingers in and moving them upwards, like she had with Jace in the field.In a matter of second the paperclip began to float in the air. When it reached about six inches above the bed the doctor told her to let it come down and instead placed a pencil on the bed. When that also reached the required height the doctor began to place wights on the floor. Bree easily lifted every pile that was placed there, not even breaking a sweat. It was only when she lifted a particularly large pile that she noticed the doctor and Jace's expression. Both men were frozen, wide eyed and speechless. Finally the doctor found his voice, "B-Bree do you realize how much weight that was?"

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