Chapter Nineteen - Used

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For the second time in under two weeks Bree woke up in a hospital bed. What in the world? she thought to herself as she pulled at the strange needles hooked into her forearm.

"Don't touch, Bree, Docter's orders." Jace said from the corner of the room. Bree simply scowled at him and then went back to cautiously inspecting her body for injuries. Finally, after a very through search of her toned and tanned body Bree looked towards Jace.

"Where's the real doctor?"

Scowling Jace muttered, "He's busy."

"Of course he is," Bree replied with another scowl of her own, "so can you at least tell me why I'm here?"

At first Jace simply replied, "Thought you didn't need my help, Bree." but upon seeing the look she threw his way he quickly continued, "You fainted."

"So I can go now?" Heaving a sigh Jace placed his hands on his knees, pushing himself off the chair he rested on. Bree watched carefully as he loomed closer. After checking both her bedside chart and her vitals Jace began to gently pull each thin needle out of her slender arm. He then proceeded to gently bandage each puncture. When he finally pulled back and stared into Bree's eyes they were both lost. For just that moment in time Bree was touched by the tender and unfamiliar way he cared for her and he was enthralled by her sheer beauty and the power that seemed to radiate from her.

 The doctor walking into the room broke the heavy silence, "How's my fainter to-am I interrupting something?"

Bree didn't miss how the doctor's eyebrow quirked when she jumped back from Jace. "Not a thing. I was just leaving."

"Sorry, Bree, but I'm afraid that won't be happening." Reaching out his arm the doctor halted Bree's hasty exit. "We still have the element test to complete before you can leave. If we hurry you might even be home for supper."

Jace's eyes were practically bulging out of his head. He'd never heard the doctor be so insensitive in his life. "You've got to be joking, Doc." Even at the distance from which he stood Jace could clearly see the fatigue written all over Bree's face. But before the doctor and Jace could spend anymore time arguing over the matter Bree agreed to the test and ushered the men out the door, hoping sleep would be in her near future.

Arriving back in the cozy element testing room the doctor got right down to business. His waiting room was again full of patients that needed his help and, frankly, he wanted Bree's case off his desk permanently. Something about testing her gave him bad vibes, like he was doing something he shouldn't be. He carefully wheeled in the same cart as Bree had seen earlier, "Okay Bree-"

"This isn't right." Although Bree spoke with firm conviction her eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.

The doctor sighed, "Excuse me?"

"It's not right. That's all I know."

Exasperated Jace cut in, "Bree a few hours ago you didn't even know what an element was so how in the world do you expect us to believe you know what's "right" in an element testing?"

"Look, I am seriously tired and annoyed right now so listen up because I'm only going to say this once: This. Is. Not. Right. Period. You can listen to me and we can go figure this out or I can sit here and lift water droplets into the air all day. Now, which would you like?" Bree stood with squared shoulders and crossed arms. Something deep in her being told her she needed these answers just as much as the Guard wanted them.

Eventually the doctor gave in, "Fine. What seems right then, Bree?"

Without a word Bree took off out the door. 

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