Chapter Twenty-Four - Forgiven

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Even just the walk there was intense. Every glance, every word, every accidental brush of his hand against hers.  Bree was about ready to scream when, finally, they reached their destination. 

Jace pushed the door opened and motioned for her to go in first. It reminded Bree of their first visit here, a time that seemed years away now. Heaving a sigh she push through the door and into the dazzling field. Jace came up beside her and wound their fingers together. "Our spot?"

"We have a spot?" She questioned with a teasing smile.

But Jace turned serious. "I have a feeling we will." Then he tugged her along silently behind him only stopping when he reached the space where they'd had the picnic. Bree smiled at the memory.

Jace sat down and crossed his legs pulling her down to sit in front of him. "We need to talk, Pay." He said somberly while grasping both her hands in his.


"Yeah, short for Payton, which from what I gather is your name."

"But no one calls me that."

Jace rolled his eyes. "Obviously, not many people even know it's your name. That's what makes it awesome for me." Bree just raised an eyebrow. Secretly, it felt good to have something special for Jace to call her and the fact that it was her real name just made her feel like she didn't have to pretend with him. "So," Jace continued, "as I said we need to talk, Pay."

This time Bree smirked at him playfully."No? Really? I do for some reason remember saying something along those lines at some point."

"Yeah, yeah. Smart Alec. I'm being serious here."

Bree sobered immediately. "Okay, where do we start?"

Jace studied her for a moment. "With the truth I guess. I mean obviously I know most of your story now but I don't understand why. Like, I feel like you knew how strong you were and you were just a really good actress. After that how do I know what the truth even is?" His eyes pleaded with her. He wanted with all his heart for her to tell him he was wrong about everything.

Bree hesitated and Jace's face fell. "It's really not what you think, Jace." Bree sighed and pushed on despite his continued silence. "Do you know what Payton or Bree even means?" Jace shook his head. "My mom was big on naming kids so that they could try to live up to the meanings. Payton means warrior, Bree means strong or at least they're the meanings my mom found when she named me.

"I told you my parents died from a loss of power- which was true. What I didn't say was that they got picked because of their power. Even though they were only scientists they both ranked with the top Guards of our Academy. At first I thought it was cool, my parents got so much attention from The Guard and The Leader, then it all changed. 

"They didn't want to go. They told the Guard that they wanted to stay home with me. I had some stupid science fair or something and heaven forbid they miss it, but the officer refused to let them have a say in the matter. They got forced to go because they were strong and because everyone knew it. So when that Agent restricted my files and told me they would want to test me, to use me, it didn't take long for me to figure out why.

"But I was seven Jace. I knew that most likely I was strong but I had no idea how strong. Being invisible was the easiest way to keep my secret hidden. I did it because I was-am scared, not because I wanted to hurt you."

For a while Jace just sat there. Bree's story had left him speechless and although what she said seemed pretty unbelievable the look on her face convinced him otherwise. Moving quickly, Jace leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her. Bree let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding when she felt his arms surround her but she pulled back when she heard him whisper I'm sorry into her hair. "For what?" She asked.

"For the crap that you've gone through, for being mad at you and for believing you were acting. I'm sorry."

"I'm just glad you can forgive me." Bree grinned jumping into his lap and wrapping her arms around his waist again.

"Always," Jace whispered holding her tight. After a moment he whispered, in the same tone " See the spot potential yet?."

She pulled back again laughing. "Way to ruin a moment, Andrews." 

Suddenly he smirked, "I'll give you a moment..." And then his lips were on hers. Everything except the gentle feel of his lips disappeared. Bree wound her hands into his silky hair and he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her impossibly closer. She felt like she was going to explode from the sensations the kiss was evoking within her.

"JACE ANDREWS GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW AND SO HELP ME IF YOU EVER TAMPER WITH A WITNESS IN MY CASE AGAIN YOU WILL BE LOCKED IN YOUR ROOM SO LONG YOU'LL FORGET WHAT THE SUN EVEN LOOKS LIKE!" Bree jumped up faster then she thought possible. As she watched Jace leave she wondered if she should be worried about the bright red colour of Agent Andrews' face. When the door slammed shut behind Jace, Henry turned to Bree. "You," he said with a pointed finger, "are going to stay away from my boy. I like you, Bree, but there's no way you're dragging my boy anywhere near this."

Bree blushed. "Sir, I didn't-" She began but Henry wasn't listening.

"Now com'on we've got places to be and people to see."


So? Finally a kiss, your thoughts?

I really hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do!

I'll try and have another update withing the next week!


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