Chapter Four - Awaken

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Elbowing kids out of the way Jace again found himself rushing to the girl's hospital room. Normally he used his morning break to check on anything in the hospital wing, spent his lunch with his friends and went back to the hospital wing again after his class. However on that day there was no way Jace would be able to sit there and laugh at his friends stupid jokes when he knew the girl could possibly be opening her eyes at that moment. 

He passed the doctor as he charged down the winding corridor. The doctor looked mildly surprised to see Jace but he simply nodded and continued on his way. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Jace reached her room. He pushed the door open and went straight to her bed. Nothing. She still looked like nothing more than a peaceful sleeper. Jace was stuck. He hadn't thought much past getting to her room because he hadn't really considered her not being awake as an option.  Spotting a chair in the corner of the room Jace pulled it over and sat down on it. The girl shifted and poked her hand out from underneath the covers and began stretching it towards him, almost as if she were reaching for him. Jace stared at her hand like it was an alien at first but finally decided to envolpe it in his own. As time wore on, Jace found himself playing with her slim fingers as he mused about what the girl would be like. Finally, when Jace had accepted that nothing more was going to happen he got up to leave. 

Stopping at the door way to give her one last parting glance he was stunned to see her long eyelashes fluttering. After a few seconds those lashes parted to give way to the most beautiful green orbs he had ever seen. Since he found he lying on the floor a little more that two days ago the colour of her eyes had become a question that increasingly plagued his mind. He assumed it was because it was the one thing he couldn't find out, well along with her name but he found that seeing the mystical green of her eyes was well worth the wait.

She slowly opened her eyes wider and began to shake a little as she took in her surroundings . It was only when he saw her attempting to sit up that Jace made himself known, "No! You have to stay lying down, at least until Doc gives you the A-O-K."

He watched her jump slightly under the sheets at his voice but otherwise she did as he said. "Why?" she questioned, "I don't even remember getting sick."

For a moment Jace was stuck. She honestly didn't remember fainting? "What's you're name, sweetheart?" 

Despite his gentle eyes Bree didn't trust the guy. She had gone her whole life completely unnoticed and now there was a guy she'd never met before who looked like he was was drinking her in like dehydrated man who'd just found water. Add that to the fact that she was lying in a hospital bed and it set her heart racing.

Jace's gaze became worried, "D-do you remember your name?"



"Yes, why?"

"It's important. You obviously don't remember passing out-"


"Passing out. Three days ago I found you in the middle of the foyer unconscious. You've been out ever since. Weird thing is no one remembers you fainting and no one's reported you missing. You should have died and no one even asked where you were."

Bree stared at him blinking. Then, Jace saw a flash of realization in her eyes. "Huh? I almost died?   Are you insane!?"

"No he's not, he's quite right actually. Nice to see you awake my dear. I'm the doctor in case you don't remember."

"No I remember you. Why wouldn't I?" Although she didn't know him personally Bree remembered the doctor from several prestations he had done for one of her classes.

"Well I think the loss of power may have somewhat affected your memory so if you would answer a few questions for me, okay?"

"Okay." Bree eyed the doctor and Jace suspiciously but wait for the doctor to continue.

"What's your name,dear?"

"Bree." Jace's eyes lit up with the new information.

"And your last name?"

"Michaels." Bree watched as the doctor gave Jace a nod that sent him reluctantly to the door. Then, the doctor continued.

"What's the last thing you remember, Bree?" Bree thought about it, she could tell him the truth or she could just as easily pretend she didn't even remember the crisis.

"Leaving English class on the fourth." She answered after a moment.

"So I take it you remember where you live and such?"


"Well Bree, it seems your little spell has affected your memory just a little, nothing you should worry about. To fill you in Jace found you in the middle of our foyer unconscious. When he brought you here I ran some tests and found out that your power was completely drained."

Bree's eyes widened, "Is that even possible?"

"Apparently so. You are a very strong girl my dear. In any case you shouldn't push yourself too hard unless you want to end up here again."

"So I can go?"

"I would like to do a few final tests first and have you stay the night until I can get the results but after that you're free to go." The doctor smiled but something deep inside Bree went cold. She nodded and the doctor left her alone to finish his lunch.


Hey guys,

Hope you liked this one. Tried to make it a little longer.

Just a tidbit of foreshadowing and irony: I picked the name Bree first and then went to look it up. I got two meaning (1) The exalted one (2)Strong. It's exactly what I wanted :D

Comment, vote fan maybe?? xo

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