Chapter Fifteen - Creation

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Bree shook her head as Jace lead her towards the door that concealed the rock field. She felt butterflies in her stomach and a sense of dread filed her. She began to unconsciously chew on the inside of her cheek as they drew nearer to the door. 

"Doing okay there?" Jace laughed as he looked over and saw the horrified expression on Bree's face.

Abruptly, her features changed and the corners of her lips turned up in a forced smile. "Of course." Jace laughed. "But, er, why are we going here again?"

He smirked down at her. "Even though I thought we were having a great time it seems as though the last time we came here we created a bad memory. I want to create a good one." He finished simply. Bree titled her head at Jace, awed by the gesture. She watched as he reached out and pulled the door open waiting for her to go through first. 

 "Why thank you, sir." She giggled. Playing along Jace bent in a deep bow before following her and closing the door. "So," Bree asked looking around, "are we throwing rocks again today?"

"No,silly, we can't do the same thing we did before. Duh." Bree couldn't hold back another laugh at Jace's expression. His full lips were pouted, his electric eyes wide and his head tilted to the side. Even though she knew he was being silly on purpose she couldn't help the bubbly feeling that rose inside of her.

"Well lead on then." She gestured in front of her with her hand. Instead, Jace took her outstretched hand and pulled her forward next to him.

They walked to about the middle of the field before Bree saw something red on the ground poking out between two boulders. As they got closer she could she that it was a blanket of some sort, almost like a - "Jace Andrews you didn't!" Bree squealed, uncharacteristically throwing herself into his arms. He stumbled but laughed, winding his arms around her waist.

"You like?" He asked.

"I love." Bree grinned at him.

"If I knew a picnic would get such a rise out of you I would've tried this a week ago." Jace joked as he walked toward the blanket set with a wicker picnic basket.

"Oh shut up." Bree said, slapping his arm, "my parents and I used to go on these crazy picnics all the time."

"Oh yeah?" Jace asked while unpacking the basket and setting the items out before Bree who sat with her legs crossed facing him.

She beamed at him. "Yeah. One time my parents rented this little dory type boat that was just big enough to fit the three of us and we rowed out to the middle of a huge pond."

"Seriously?" Jace asked, wanting to keep Bree's sunny smile in place.

"Mhm-hmm. We even have one in the middle of our living room. Dad pushed all the furniture into the hall and mom spread a blanket out. The best thing was even though the kitchen was like three feet away she still let me pack everything into a basket to bring into the living room."

"That sounds crazy."

"It was."

"So how does my little picnic measure up?" He asked while smiling to assure her he was joking.

Bree slowly took in the rounded field, the mountains surrounded in a foggy, gray mist, the big boulders that circled around them and finally, the boy who sat before her smiling. "Well, it's no living room but I think it's still pretty great."

Jace let out a dramatic breath. "You scared me for a second there, darling." She giggled when he winked at her. "Sandwich?" 

When they were finished Jace stretched his long legs out in front of him and leaned back on his hands, facing the sunny sky. Bree sat quietly watching him while feasting on the small bundle of grapes he had brought until he turned his head to face her. "So, how was school Bree?" 

"Fine Jace. You?"

"Good. I got out early today."

"You mean when I saw you at the training room?"

"Yep." And then out of nowhere Bree was laughing. It started out as giggles but soon turned to full out, stomach aching laughter. Jace watched her in confusion. Finally she looked up and attempted to speak. "I-it's...It's like...the first normal conversation we've had when you think about it."

Jace looked at her red cheeks for a moment before smirking. "Well it's not really normal anymore thanks to you." And then Jace fell into his own fit of laughter at the expression on her face.


Short I know, sorry.

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And a HUGE thank you to the people who are supporting this. It truly means the world to me.

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