Natasha Romanoff (My Noodles II)

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Natasha's POV

I left my room at 6:30am and let out a big yawn, I usually wake up earlier than today, I sometimes wake up at 5am or 5:30am because I have trouble sleeping but some reason I slept pretty peaceful last night 

As I nearing the kitchen, the smell of freshly made coffee was surrounding me, then I heard the espresso being used, I cocked my eyebrow and smirked at the same time. Nobody really uses the coffee machine, they either didn't know how to use it or don't have time for it and just make an instant coffee

When I walked into the open kitchen I saw (Y/n) making an espresso and as she was making it she was bobbing her head slightly, I figured that she was listening to a song "So won't you, please, be my, be my baby" (Y/n) quietly sang then went to humming 

I leaned in towards the counter as I listened to (Y/n) sing, she has her back to me so she has no idea that I'm behind her, something about (Y/n) is just mesmerising, more unique than the others, I know I had doubts about her joining the team but now, I feel like she's a great add on to the team 

She manages to make every people smile or laugh or both, she's also very easy going and very easy to get along with and she has this glimmer in her eyes and smile that tells you that you're okay and that she's there to comfort you, it seems like nothing went wrong with her life but of course, it might not always be true

While I was being caught up in my thoughts I didn't realise how much I have observed (Y/n) until I played those things in my head 

Am I crushing over...(Y/n)? That's weird, I never had this thoughts with Bruce 

I blinked a couple of times and just shrugged it off, then I noticed that the woman in front of me just finished making her coffee began turning around "Say you'll be my darlin', be my, be my-BABY!" (Y/n) screamed, almost spilling her coffee

"Hm, already calling me baby, huh?" I teased which made her cheeks turn red and so did her ears 

Ah! So cute!

"No-I...I was listening to-you scared me! God!" I chuckled at her stuttering statement, then placed down her morning drink, I looked at her coffee and saw that it had heart shape pattern 

"Wow! That's one hell of a beautiful coffee!" 

"Thanks! Would you like one?"

"Can't start my morning without coffee so yes, please!" 

"One espresso coming right up!" we both laughed and she began making my coffee, she took out the portafilter and threw away what was inside and put a new batch of freshly ground coffee beans, pressed it gently with the tamper, placed in the grouphead, she then pressed a button on and let the magic happen

"So...what were you listening to earlier?" I asked, starting a conversation 

"I was listening to Be My Baby by The Ronettes" she answered after she turned her head to me but then snapped back to the machine as it was done and she began steaming the milk 

"Hmm, and what made you wake up this early?"

"Oh, I have a mission later on with Bucky" I hummed again, I did noticed that she and Bucky are getting along quite well, (Y/n) was there when he needed to talk about something and comforted him when he needed 

We all have went through hell but Bucky went through more than some of us and is more broken. However, when he met (Y/n) he began to feel and look more better, she kinda acted as his therapist

One or more reasons to like (Y/n)

"I also slept quite early last night, around 9pm, the training with you really knocked me out" she laughed and gave me my coffee

"I hope I didn't went too far with you yesterday" I bit my bottom lips 

"Oh no, not at all! I'm fine!" she said and I sighed in relief, I looked at my coffee and gasped "Oh my fucking god! This looks amazing! It looks too good to even drink it!" I exclaimed when I saw the coffee

"Oh no, not at all! I'm fine!" she said and I sighed in relief, I looked at my coffee and gasped "Oh my fucking god! This looks amazing! It looks too good to even drink it!" I exclaimed when I saw the coffee

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My Espresso

"Oh just drink it! It's gonna go in your stomach anyway!" I took the cup and took a sip

"Taste great too!" 

"Of course it tastes great! I made it!" we both began cracking up at her sassiness and after that, we started asking questions "Okay, what do you like?" 

"Like anything?" she asked and I nodded, taking another sip of the coffee "Well, I like poetry...I like korean dramas, also horror movies and...singing!"

"Okay and what about what you like in a person?" (Y/n)'s eyes snapped at me with her mouth slightly open, I'm probably sending red flags right now 

"Well...I...I never really thought about what I like in a person cause most of the time I was too busy to even think about it..."

"Then this is your time to think about it" I said and leaned in more closer to her, her eyes averted down to her coffee with flushed cheeks

"Alright, what I like in person...I like a person with humour and...a little possessives over me-" I cut her off with a chuckle "What?!"

"Nothing! Nothing at all, keep going"

She pursed her lips as she began to continue "I also like a person with a bit of clinginess then would pout whenever you needed to go...and last but not the least, they would have trust and loyalty" she then looked into my eyes with that very same glimmer in her eyes, soon came a smile 

Right there and then, my heart skipped a beat, she looked so beautiful and so pure! I would kill anyone who would hurt her, I'm prepared to do that! 

Then we spent an hour or so talking about what we like and what we hate, I found out that she hates it whenever people would sing her Happy Birthday cause she's heard it so many times that she began feeling annoyed whoever sings the song to her 

And she feels embarrassed as she would just stand or sit and wait for everyone to finish singing Happy Birthday, standing or sitting like a statue, it's very awkward she said, she just wants everyone to say 'Happy Birthday' then get on with the wishing and to cutting the cake, I found it quite hilarious!

"Oh look at the time! 2 hours left till Bucky and I leave, I need to make sure Bucky is already awake before he has 30 minutes left before the jet leaves" (Y/n) joked and placed the cup in the sink

"Oh leave it there, I'll clean it up"

"Oh sure?"

"Yeah! It's the least thing I could do for the wonderful coffee you've made me" I stated and she nodded

"Okay then, see you later, Tasha!" I was surprised when she called me 'Tasha', no one really calls me by that nickname, it was always 'Nat' so I was kinda taken back 

"Yeah, see you later too, (Y/n)!"

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