Marla Singer (Two Hearts, One String IV)

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3rd Person's POV

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Where are you!?!" (Y/n) had just woken up from a nap, she's in the kitchen drinking when she heard Marla screaming her name, before she get to turn around Marla grabbed her hand placed it on her breast 

(Y/n) turned completely red and choked on her coffee when she touches her roommates bare chest "That's hot!" she whines in pain, but Marla took it the wrong way 

"I know I'm hot" she smirked 

"No! I mean the coffee! It burned me!" (Y/n) exclaimed and trying to look away from Marla's perky breast "Now, mind telling me why do you have my hand have on your breast?!?"

"My tits are gonna rot off" Marla changed her tone to serious one, then (Y/n) frowned and looked her in the eye


"I need you to check if there's a lump in my breast"

"I-I...Why don't you go to the hospital?"

"I can't afford to waste money on a doctor" Marla replied and the other woman sighed 

"This could be serious, Marl-"

"That's why I'm asking you to check it!" Marla cuts her off with a stern voice and pushes her hand harder on Marla's chest

"Okay! Okay! Just g-give me a second!" then Marla released (Y/n)'s hand, she took one more sip of her coffee before the crazy woman lead her to the body sized mirror. (Y/n) stood behind Marla and located her hand to which she might've felt the lump "H-Here?" 

"Uh-huh, feels anything?" (Y/n) tried putting on a little bit of pressure to feel it more carefully, but she didn't feel anything


"Well, make sure" the woman sighed and attempted hovering her hand somewhere else that she could feel the lump 

"There's nothing, Marla"

"You feel nothing?" 

"Y-Yes" Marla then sighed from relief and (Y/n) immediately took off her hand from the woman's breast and clears her throat "Well, that's a relief. Thank you" then she starts buttoning her shirt 

"N-No problem, just don't do that when I'm drinking coffee, it really burned my tongue" 

"I know some ways to soothe your pain" Marla took (Y/n)'s waist, leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, (Y/n) felt like the kiss was very slow and wet, when Marla moved away (Y/n) felt a cold patch on her cheek 

As much as (Y/n) wants for Marla to continue what she's doing to her, yet she pushed Marla away, not too harshly "S-Stop being so f-flirtatious! And let's go! We're going to get groceries!" Marla only chuckled at (Y/n), she knew how much she wants her, but Marla doesn't to push, so she waits 

It was pretty nippy outside since it's already evening, so (Y/n) puts on a white dress, a dark blue jacket and a pair of black shoes

It was pretty nippy outside since it's already evening, so (Y/n) puts on a white dress, a dark blue jacket and a pair of black shoes

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