Sheba Hart (Just Us VIII)

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・❈ Luella's POV ❈・

Today's the last holiday and tomorrow school starts once again, right now I'm trying to finish my last homework. I was was at my work space with Chubs on my lap, keeping me warm and the only thing that can be heard was the soft music playing in the background and a pen constantly clicking again and again 

That was until there an urgent knock on the door, I took off my cat from my lap and walked to the front door, when I opened the door I was surprised to see Sheba with her bicycle, she seemed like she was in a rush "S-Sheba? What are you doing here at this hour?"

"We need to talk, it's very important" I could see in her eyes that something had gone very wrong

"Okay, let's go, we can't talk here. My mother's coming today" I got out of my house and walked along side Sheba till we got to a near by park "Alright, what is it?" She's very agitated, she's constantly looking around for people "Hey, Sheba, calm down, alright. I'm here, talk to me" I placed my hands on her shoulder, gently squeezing it 

"Someone saw us...the night when we were in the art room..." my breath hitched and I flickered my eyes, the news was unexpected, but I wasn't surprised 

"A part of me knew this was going to happen...who saw us?" I asked 


"Mrs Covett? Oh god...what and when did she tell you?" 

"She told me to end it, everything that was going on in between us or else, she'll report us...S-She told me this...the day before Christmas"

"Before Christmas? W-Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Because as much as I wanted to do the right thing...I couldn't let you go...I can't. Luella, you've made me feel alive, I haven't felt this alive for years. You've made me feel like there's more to being a mother, a wife and a teacher, that there's more into life" her words struck me like a lightning 

She didn't want to let me go?

Then suddenly I began to laugh while tears were running down my cheeks "Oh god, this whole time I kept telling myself to stop what were doing cause it's wrong, looks like I'm the only one who doesn't want to let go of what we have" the expression on her face told me that she wasn't expecting that 

"Sheba, you have made me the happiest I've been my whole life, you make laugh, you make me feel safe, you're very cheeky, you're nice and kind and so many more things that I couldn't put into words. I want to stay with you, but right now I can' have a husband and children and I'm still a minor, but no matter how wrong it feels, it also feel so right!" then there was a moment of silent and Sheba just stared at me 

"I'm divorcing Richard" she said out of the blue 

"What? Please don't tell me you're divorcing him because of me" 

"No, I've already thought about divorcing him before I met you, things are just...not working anymore" without thinking, I hugged her and she hugged me back "What are we going to do, Luella?" 

"W-We should stop seeing each other-" before I could continue what I was about to say she quickly away from the hug


"Listen, you didn't let me finish! We should stop seeing each other until I turned 18. No texting, no calling, no seeing each other outside, no anything, we'd be back to square A, back to only being a student and a teacher"

"But that's...too long, way too long!"

"I know, Sheba, but it's our best shot if we want to continue this. Not mention, graduation is at the same as my birthday, so I'd be an a legal adult and a graduate student, everything would be perfect" she's hesitant with the idea, she's also trying to hold her tears "Oh, Sheba, please don't cry" I said while caressing her cheek 

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