Nebula (With A Touch VII)

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Hi, Nebula" I greeted to the blue person in front of me 

"Why are you still awake?" she asked at her usual low voice 

"I was hungry, what about you?" she didn't answer and instead looked at the counter where the Yaro root was, when she didn't see it she quickly snapped her head to me, then to the bowl in my hand

"Is that the last Yaro root?" she asked and I nodded, then she looked down her feet

"Why? Did you want it?" when I questioned her, her eyes shot back at me, then averted them again 

"No" she answered instantly and I couldn't help but to chuckle, knowing that she's a horrible liar "What's so funny?!" 

"You know, you're a horrible liar, right? It's kinda obvious that you wanted it" she didn't reply, still not looking at me, I smiled to myself at how adorable she could be sometimes "Would you like some of mine?"

"I don't need your pity" she hissed, finally her eyes have met mine once more, however her eyes has anger in them, I don't know why 

"Pity? No, I'm not offering it to you out of pity, I'm offering because I want to share it with you" I said mellowy and her eyes soften a tad bit "Well? Do you still want some or not?" she was hesitant at first, but she made her way to me and sat at the floor in front of me nonetheless

I gave her my fork with the root pierced through it, she took the fork and our hands faintly touched each other for a second, Nebula didn't seem to have noticed it or mind it 

She bit the root from the fork and hers widen from surprise to which I smiled to "It's much more better than the other one, huh?"

"Yes..." her sounded softer than before, then I looked through the window again and stayed quiet, the silence wasn't awkward or bad, but it wasn't good either cause of the small tension between you two "Are you and the other human siblings?" I smiled when she blurted that question

"Quill? No, no, we're not siblings. Well, he is almost like a brother to me and I'm pretty sure I'm the same for him, but we're not blood related, we met around 10 years ago, we've fought and helped each other ever since then" I said, remembering our moments together 

"How did you get here?" my eyes grew wide after she asked, as I was recalling my memories I pulled my knees closer to me and hugged it 

"Let's start from the very beginning, shall we?" I said kinda jokingly before letting out a nervous sigh "I was an parents abandoned me in the streets of England...pickpocketing people and stealing food was my lifestyle...I spent about 3 years of my childhood like that before getting caught and getting thrown in an orphanage..."

Explaining that little to Nebula was somehow chilling (not in a good way), nerve wracking and giving me goosebumps, I looked at the woman in front of me who was still eating the Yaro root and patiently waiting for me to get back to my story  

"The orphanage wasn't the best, but it wasn't worst either...they gave us a place to stay and food to eat...still, there were days where I couldn't eat cause I would end giving it to the little ones who really need it and nights where I wouldn't sleep cause there weren't enough beds for all of us...even so, it still be a restless night because of my nightmares..." I paused for a second and remembered when I told myself that my childhood wasn't anything traumatic

I was was traumatic for a kind like me back then...

"One day, I found myself wondering at the woods, in the cold like always...when I spotted very unusual people, they spoke my language but they didn't look like they're from Earth...I was about to leave when I accidentally stepped on a branch, creating a sound...they heard me and took me with them in their ship..."

"I didn't feel fear...or anything related to it...because I didn't have anything to lose and was alone...However, the people who took me...were nice...they apologised and asked me where I wanted to go" then I chuckled and Nebula's brows frowned 

"They were the first to have apologised to me and asked where I wanted to go!...So I told them I wanted to go with them, they were shocked and asked if I had any family and I told no, that I was an orphan, they were hesitant, but still took me"

"What did they look like?" she asked 

"They look like a normal human, but they had 3 fingers in each hand, 3 toes in each foot, their skin were in the colour of purple and their eyes were bright yellow, just like a sun and they didn't have any hair, so they admired my hair very much-Oh! I did I say they were a married couple? I don't think I did. Anyway, they were a married couple, their names were Valloma and Rhysand, but they didn't have any children, they took care of me like I was their child..." I rambled a bit as it give me great joy to talk about them

"What happened to them?" then my smile faded and slowly looked at her

"They Ronan...when I was 16" Nebula's eyes saddened, it almost looked like it was covered in guilt

"I'm...sorry..." she said 

"It's alright...I tried finding him...I was filled with anger, rage and pain that it blinded me for months, then when I came to my realisation...I gave up on that idea cause it was crazy and stupid, taking him down would've been impossible...Valloma and Rhysand wouldn't have wanted that for me..."

"The couple who had taken care of you sounded kind, peaceful, cared a lot about you and loved you very much, they would've been proud" Nebula's words had brought me into tears, but they were happy tears

"Thank you, they would loved you...and you would've loved them too" she averted eyes again and looked at the empty bowl

"It's nothing" I placed a hand on her left cheek and gently made her turn to me and our eyes met once again

"I'm serious, thank you, Nebula...It really means a lot" I said as humane as possible with a small smile, her cheeks turned a deeper shade, I assume she was blushing, then I moved my hand up to the part of her face that was metal, her eyes flickered and inhaled sharply and quietly, tensing up in my touch, but relaxed when I caressed her face 

"Does it hurt?"

"No, not anymore..." then my sight moved to her metal arm which was also on her left side, I removed my hand from her face, to her metal arm tenderly stroking her arm from her deltoid to her hand, I brought her hand up and placed my palm to hers, alining every fingers 

"Can you feel this?" I asked and all of a sudden, she stood up and sprinted to her room, leaving me there alone and stunned, I quickly stood up too and ran to the door of her room "Nebula, did I say something wrong? Please, tell me...I'm sorry if I did say something wrong...Can you just come out, so we could talk?..."

No answer was said, her room doesn't exactly have a lock on the door knob, I wanted to step in to her room, but I couldn't cause Valloma created a habit for me, so that I wouldn't just barge into someone's room and to make sure I always knock and wait for their consent 

When I still didn't heard any reply I didn't say anything else because I didn't want to bother her anymore and give her her space, I hugged my arms, let out a sigh and slowly but gradually left, got the bowl back, cleaned it and set it aside before taking to my room 

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