Natasha Romanoff (BONUS CHAPTER)

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Side note: this chapter is going to be about why I chose the title 'My Noodles' for Nat's fanfic, actually it was my friend who gave me that title, I just broke it down to a story, anyway, hope you enjoy this bonus chapter

(Y/n)'s POV

"Ah, finally, done watching Train To Busan!" I said to myself while the tears off my cheeks as it had a very emotional ending, I switched off my laptop and set aside when I set it aside I took a look at the time and I realised it was already 12:23am

Time flies by so fast when you're having fun

I got out of my bed and head to the bathroom and began doing my skincare night routine cause I care a lot about my skin, then when I finished doing that I was about to brush my teeth when my stomach started to growl

I paused for a second, then placed down my tooth brush at the side of the sink and started making my way to the kitchen, opened the cabinet that had a instant cup noodles and took one, boiled some water and when that was done I poured it into the cup noodles and waited for it to cook

As I was waiting for it to cook I also stirred the noodles around with a chopstick, then stirred it again one last time before I taking a bite "Mm, that's what I'm talking about" I moaned in satisfaction and sat on the counter, eating happily in the quiet at maybe around 12:30am

"Oh, so this is where my cuddle buddy is at" I heard a familiar voice from behind so I turned to look and saw my beautiful girlfriend, Nat, we've been dating for a couple months now and it had been my happiest months I've ever had in my life

"Sorry, I got a little hungry, want some?" I replied and Nat chuckled while making her way to me

"It's alright, I was just wondering where you were when I couldn't you in your room and no, thank you, I just brushed my mouth" then she gave me kiss on the cheek

Then out of nowhere, I found myself staring at the cup noodles in my hand "What's wrong, baby?" Nat asked and I shook my head

"Nothing, it's just...I just thought that each strands of noodles are just like people..." I could feel Nat looking at me with a weird and confused look on her face while I kept staring the noodles "With each strand of noodles represents a person...noodles are tangled to each other, meaning we are bound to meet people in our lives, friends, families, enemies and...lovers" I looked at Nat when I said 'lovers', she blushed when I did that

"And just like noodles, our lives has some ups and downs, twists and turns, then we're also bound to lose someone every once in a while, deaths, abandonment...hearts broken, almost like how we try to untangle noodles from the others...but that doesn't mean we're bound to have a bad ending" I paused for a second before continuing

"You'll get the satisfaction and happiness of finding amazing true friends who then becomes a family and a lover who is there for you when you need them or when they need you...just like noodles" I stopped and silence fell in between us

"God, what was inside that noodles? What did they do to my girlfriend? They made her all sentimental" Nat wraps her arms around my waist as we both laughed

"Sorry, it must've been the movie I've watched not long ago, it had a sad ending" I chuckled, then I realised I had already finished my cup noodles

Weird, I don't remember eating them...Eh, whatever, you blur out moment like this anyway

"I think that's enough midnight snack for now" Nat said I nodded my head, I threw away the cup and washed the chopsticks, when I turned around Nat picked me up in a bridal style "Natasha, put me down!" I whispered yell

"Nope!" she said and popped the 'p', I rolled my eyes as she brought us to my room and there we cuddled and slowly fell asleep

I'm so lucky to have found her

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