Angelina Jolie (Neighbours)

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, my head thrashed forward a bit when I quickly stepped on the brakes of my car because I didn't see the traffic light was red, I sighed and leaned back to the driver's seat, then I remembered I had my dog at the back seat "You alright, bud?"

The dog titled he's head, he leaned in, sniffed me and licked my face making me giggle "I know, Togo. I'm sorry, I'm just a little uptight right now, the new environment is new for me and I know it's new for you too, but we'll be fine"

It's been a month since I moved in here at LA, it's not entirely new from where I used to live at New York, but still, moving from one place to another was a big adjustment for me. I only moved in here in LA was because of my sister; Sarah Lee So-Ra as she was needing help with her son, she's been busy with the family business

I was supposed to be the one to inherit the family business because my parents thought I was capable of doing it, but it's not what I wanted, taking care of something that big is way more than a lot for me!

That said, leading to a huge argument with my parents and at the end, I chose to leave and went off to New York, me and my sister kept in touch and helped out each other when needed, I ended up living a normal life there, without my parents constantly being at my bloody back

My parents had no choice, but to give the business to my sister and she had nothing against it, in fact she was happy to comply with it, she always wanted to be in a business or a start a business of her own and now, her wish came true! The family business was fitting for her!

Togo whined and gave a small bark while looking in front, snapping me back to reality, I looked at what he was looking at and noticed that the traffic light was green already "Oh, thank you, Togo. I really don't know what I'd do without you in my life"

I began to drive to my little nephew's school because Sarah asked me if I could pick up her son at school and of course, I said yes, since I have nothing else to do. I parked in front of the school and waited for a couple of minutes till the front door started to open

I kept an eye out, looking for my nephew which quite easy to find cause as soon as he saw me, he began jumping, sprinted to me and gave me a big ol hug! "I bet you weren't expecting me to see you, huh? How are you, Jackie?" I said sarcastically, I've seen him a lot after I moved in here, he pulled away from the hug and gave me smile

"I'm doing great! Just got an A on a test!" he said as he pulled out his test from his bag, I looked at it and he did got an A!

On a math test?!?! Damn! I never got an A on my Math test, no matter how hard I study I would always get C or C+! I'm jealous!

"That is amazing!" I then handed him his paper and he puts it back in his bag "C'mon, let's head over to my place and have some ttoekbokki and gimbap"

"YES!" he yelled while he threw his hands up in the air, we were about to get in the car when I heard someone yelling Jackie's name

"Jackson! Jackson, wait!" we both turned around and saw a girl running towards us, she looked like she was around 13 years old and Jackie is 10, the primary and the junior high was in the same facility, then she stopped running when she was finally in front of us and she handed Jackie an english textbook "Here, you forgot this"

"Oh right! I forgot to take it back from my english teacher, how did you get it?" Jaskie asked as he took his textbook and places it in his bag

"Your english teacher asked if I could find you and give it to you because you have a homework in this weekend" the girl explained while huffing and puffing

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