Angelina Jolie (Neighbours VIII)

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Angelina's POV

"Ma'am, I have called the requested visitor that you've suggested and she said she's on her way" the doctor said after knocking and coming the room 

"Thank you very much, Dr Grey" I replied 

"No problem, Ms Jolie" after that he left

"You sure you want (Y/n) to come, mom?" Pax asked, unsure of my decision 

"Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry about me too much and worry about yourself, don't you have your exams coming this month?" 

"Yeah, don't worry about you even though you just got into an accident not long ago and besides, those exams are just papers, you're more important, mom" Pax stated, bringing a smile to my face

"Oh right! I just remembered that you have no idea what's been going with mom and her love life as you were so busy with your studies" my eyes went wide when Vivienne squeezed into the conversation, bring up a new topic 

 "Vivienne! Not now!" 

"Love life? What are you talking about, Viv?" Pax asked, Vivienne and the other kids giggled "Am I the only one who doesn't know what the heck is going on?!" 

"Well, you and Maddox cause you two are too busy with your lessons. Anyway, mom has a little crush on someone, don't you, mom?" Shiloh wiggled her eyebrows, joining in with Vivienne 

"Kids, no, it's nothing like that" but it was already too late as Pax was quite interested in it

"Okay guys, don't leave me in the dark, who is it?!" Pax snapped the questioned, seemingly invested on it

"We'll let you guess, it's pretty obvious" Knox added

"You guys are not helping at all! Zahara, help me out here!" he asked his sister for help 

"She's coming by to visit today" she gave a hint and Pax thought for a second until he finally got the idea 

"She?...(Y/n)?" Zahara grinned and shrugged, giving a 'maybe' expression "Mom?!?" Pax snapped at me, wanting to know if his answer was right 

"Okay, fine! Yes! I do like her!" I exclaimed cause no matter how many times I deny it, they would just come back again and again 

"YES! Took you long enough to admit it! Even though it was very obvious!" Vivienne threw her arms in the air "You should've seen what she looks like! She's gorgeous!" Vivienne told Pax, it was nice to hear that she likes (Y/n) 

"Doesn't matter what she looks like, all I want to see if she could take care of mom and make her happy"

"Oh she does! You should've seen mom when she comes home after seeing (Y/n)! She was smiling and giggling to herself! She was lovestruck, Pax!" Vivienne exclaimed while shaking her older brother 

Wow! Did I really looked like I was lovestruck when I come back from hanging with (Y/n)?

Right in the middle of Vivienne talking about (Y/n) her siblings a knock was heard on the door "Hi, just coming in to say that your requested visitor (Y/n) had just arrived" Dr Grey informed us and I nodded 

"Okay kids, can you all stay outside for a little while, we won't be long, I promise" and before Vivienne I quickly stopped her "Vivienne!" she snapped her head to me "Sorry, I missed your play"

"Oh, it's no problem!" soon the other followed and left the room

"Go get your girl!" Shiloh whispered, making sure I still heard it, it's hilarious and sweet how they're all cheering for and (Y/n)

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