Ava Sharpe part 1

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The waveriders or the legends were trying to get back the ship but failed after being caught by Director Sharpe and the rest of her crew

"In the order of the time bureau, i suggest that you hand us over the ship and leave without being harm or do you want us to do this the hard way?" The Director suggested, keeping her straight face expression and with Gary and Rip by her side

"Look we don't mean cause any harm or anything but we can help you fix this mess ...that we've created... Dammit Rip! Why don't you back us up!?!" Sara tries to protest back about handing the ship over

But before Director Sharpe could say anything, Gideon appeared back " Hello everyone, i hope you have missed me" Gideon said with a new facial upgrade

"Aye Gideon your back! I love the new upgrade" every legend were happy to see Gideon back on board

"Who fixed her back?" Director Sharpe asked with now a furious look on her face

"Hey guys i have fixed Gideon ...back ...on...board" (y/n) ran in to the bridge where everyone was, wearing blue jean, white shirt with a red-ish pink cardigant, holding a tablet on her hands and saw that there was some agents at the bridge with the legends

board" (y/n) ran in to the bridge where everyone was, wearing blue jean, white shirt with a red-ish pink cardigant, holding a tablet on her hands and saw that there was some agents at the bridge with the legends

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"Rip! You look...dashing! Although i kinda miss the trench coat and Gideon is so good to see you again on board!" walking over to the legends side

"Thank you Ms (l/n)! And i do appreciate my new look!" Thanking (y/n) for her new look and bringing her on the ship

"Don't mention!"

"I see that you have recruited a new member, say um...new member, why don't we just show you the exit and pretend this never happened?" Nudging Gary to lead (y/n) the exit

"What?!? No! I'm not leaving my team behind and also I'm not a new member and i have a name too!" (y/n) said staying her teams side

"Your not a new member?" Confused on the handed read or seen her file before

"No,I've been with the them for 2 years now, well 7 years if you would count 5 more years of guys studying us"

"Then why havent I seen your file let alone read it!" Mad at herself on how she hasn't seen her file and not knowing anything about her

"I don't know...oh um do you mind letting me know your name?"

"Ava Sharpe but i want you to address me as Director Sharpe and yours?" Still trying to keep a straight face

"(Y/n) (l/n)!"

Looks like somebody is going to be checking me quite often

"Look what Sara said was right, we didn't mean cause any harm to people infact we are here to do the opposite if you would just give us one more chance" (y/n) pleaded for the agents to give them one more chance on making things right

"Fine" Director Sharpe gave a firm agreement and saw (y/n)'s eyes light up and that was there first eye contact but was quickly brought back to reality "but in return i want to know everything about you since i already know everyone's weakness and strengths in your team"

"You got yourself a deal Director Ava Sharpe!" (Y/n) then pulles her hand for a hand agreement shake and the agent shakes it and ordered for all of her men to leave

Finally one of them addressed me as Director Ava Sharpe...although that girl sure looks cute

A/n most of these chapters will be quite short

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