Nyssa Al Ghul part 3

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In this chapter Rene, Dinah and Curtis are here even though its dedicated on season 4


Weeks a has passed and Thea has been cured and not to mention the Rha's Al Ghul has been defeated, what I mean by defeated I mean dead killed by Oliver

And Nyssa got what she wanted the ring of Rha's Al Ghul and disbanded the league of assassins

Nyssa decided to stick around Star City and has been living in (y/n)'s apartment and also has been living here best life

Chasing and catching bad guys in the streets and they my make a pretty good team

That is until Damien Darhk came in along and started destroying and killing everyone in the city

Their leads on the HIVE and on Damien Darhk was always dead end until one day they finally have a lead one on Damien

In an old abandoned building is where he is hiding then Oliver told them to suit up including cause she insist on coming and Oliver agreed and it was time to bring Damien to justice

Green Arrow: Overwatch! What do you see?

Overwatch: I see no guards just Damien. Guys its obviously a trap, you know that right?

Green Arrow: We know but it's the only way to get Damien so...

Overwatch: Go,get that son of a bitch!

Archangel: You heard the woman. Lets get this son of a bitch!

Wild Dog: Hell yeah!

The Green Arrow then burst the door open and Damien's men came in from left to right "we got this hoss! You go on ahead!" Wild Dog yelled

Oliver look back at Rene, Dinah and Curtis
"Go! We got this!" Dinah said and Oliver nodded and moved along with (y/n), Diggle and Nyssa

Then walking through hallway it felt really weird and odd cause the hallway is silent, no attackers, no anything

Overwatch: Guys! Something...bad happened!

Green Arrow: Talk to us Overwatch!

Overwatch: So the bad news is Damien's thermal body heat just disappeared

Felicity said while looking through her monitor

Overwatch: And the other bad news is...there is only two thermal body heat in the hallway you guys are in

Green Arrow: What?

Then Oliver looked behind him to see who was missing

Overwatch: The one that is missing is-

"(Y/n)..." Oliver cutted her off

(Y/n) flickered her eyes open and found herself laying on the cold floor facing Damien Darhk

"What did you do to me?!?" (Y/n) asked sternly and quickly got up on her feet and tried calling for Felicity but the ear speaker in her ears aren't working

"Relax! I just need something that you have" Damien said gesturing his hands

"What ever you want from me your not going to get it!" Then (y/n) used her magic to Damien but she was thrown in through the air, overpowering her magic

"Oh please! Don't waste your energy! You clearly know I'm more powerful then you are!" Damien exclaimed

It is true though cause she doesn't really use her magic often in battle, she often use her katana but since she's against with a person with magic she has to use her magic but it was no good then using her katana

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