Chapter - 1

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Ekantha Acharya, the name sounds too unique, welp yes she really is unique personality

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Ekantha Acharya, the name sounds too unique, welp yes she really is unique personality. With chocolatey brown eyes and a pointed nose with a rosy lips just like the described in those nursery rhymes LOL!

Ekantha stood on the side of the window, staring at the plants which were outside the window. She was lost in thoughts thinking about things deeply.

"Girl! Where are you lost?",Anika asked smacking her from behind and when she turned back she bent and appeared in front of her giving her a sheepish smile.

" Tell me Anika! What is it?",she said still in the lost mood.

"Anika? Wow, so madam is over thinking about something once again. Hey! Dikshit come here man",she called their cousin Dikshit who was chatting with Mrs. Kanyaka Acharya.

" Wow! What's the hot topic for today?",he asked seeming too excited. After all it was a pleasant Sunday for everyone but not for our Ekantha.

"Spill Ekantha! What is it?",Dikshit persuaded her to tell and she gave him a dejected look.

" Actually, today morning I went to super market and there I met one of my school friends who used to be my worst bully. She kinda taunted me and even the sales girl was giving me disdainful looks too. Am I really that unworthy Ani? Sometimes I feel you all do have an aim atleast whereas look at me for namesake graduate, pursuing a course which is no where related to my graduation. Wh-",before Ekantha continued her rant Anika cut her off.

"Stop okay? Everyone's life isn't the same Ekantha and the way you talk tells me how badly she taunted you. Come let's go and settle down things with her. Nobody has the right to taunt you or the career you are going to choose. It's totally on you. Do you get it?",Anika was infuriated.

"C'mon Anika you don't need to say that just to calm me down",she said turning her head to the side of plant again.

Anika has been habituated to her behavior since she was in teens and she looked at Dikshit as if they both had a plan. Dikshit nodded and their plan came into action.

Dikshit messed up her hair while Anika tickled her making her breathless and giggle nonstop. They stopped it after a while and ran around the home while Ekantha chased them.

Kanyaka, her mom laughed at their antics and mentally made a note to talk with her daughter as she knew something was wrong with her daughter.
Motherly instinct you can say!

They had their breakfast together while blabbering about with each other.

"Kanya Aunty is my favorite aunty! She always makes my favorite whenever I come over. She is the best",Anika hugged Kanyaka while she patted her cheek.

" And you are her favorite daughter than her own daughter too because you are more better than her daughter when compared with anything",Ekantha talked and left from there.

All of them stood there shocked and they knew how to make it up for her and bring her out of her over thinking mode. But then her mother was worried thinking about her future. Would her husband understand and make it up to her? Would it be a good relationship for them?

As always, they planned for a small get together which consists of them and only them with all their favorite dishes. Anika and Dikshit rushed for the arrangements while Kanyaka arranged for the dishes. Ekantha locked herself in a room and cried her heart out.

She opened her diary and wrote down all her feelings in a go. It helped her most of the time when she had too many things going on in her brain. Rain was pouring down and that mader her even more comfortable on her bed snuggled into her blanket with A. R. Rehman's song playing in the background..

"Naa cheli rojave.. Naalo unnave.. Ninne talichene nene"

The song played wiping off all her worries. She got involved in the music that she slowly drifted into sleep which didn't have nightmares like she usually had. Yes! Ekantha being unique was no normal thing. She had panic attacks often and she is always insecure about meeting strangers and giving out her first impression on them. When she does something or speak something she thinks like a hundred million times.

By chance if she hurts someone, more than them she feel hurt and starts to over think. There is no need to talk about people hurting her, she lets them do whatever they want and she speaks back with only few people who are very close to her in her life. This was no advantage for her but it was like a curse.

While she drifted off into deep sleep, she didn't hear the door was knocked several times. Anika peeked through the window to see her sleeping soundly and she was relaxed.

She called her and hearing the phone shouting aka ringing she woke up from her slumber and answered it.

"Madam, done with your beauty sleep?",Anika asked sarcastically.

" Ani! I just dozed off. The song was soothing",she tried to make it up to her. Ekantha sensed she was already angry and no amount of excuses would make it run away from her.

"Open the goddamn door for heavens sake. Since past one hour we are banging it like our life was dependent on it and here you slept nicely",she scolded her and Ekantha didn't speak anything.

" Fine, now open the door! You have some surprise hmph",Anika muttered and disconnected the call.

Ekantha went and freshened up, she splashed water on her face. The cold water which hit her skin made her shiver. She wiped her face looking into the mirror, her face looked better but her eyes were puffy.

She opened the door to find none of them in the living room, she walked into their mini garden and that's where she found her both cousins along with her mother setting up things. Her face lit up and a smile formed on her face. She went and helped them.

They had a small family lunch, where Ekantha was genuinely happy. She smiled wholeheartedly and her phone showed a notification regarding her interview and that made her day.

"Amma(mother), Ani, Dikshit I got an interview call for the front office person in a school. This would be my first job and I am happy",she jumped and hugged her mom followed by Anika and Dikshit.

" I will also finally do a job and earn like others. Nobody would have to face taunts for me. Everything is happy",she said excitedly.

"But we would still have to hear about your wedding right Ekantha?",Ketan Acharya spoke as he came in.

To be continued..

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Sakshi Devi

Your AuthorSakshi Devi

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