Chapter 2.

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"Sh!t, sh!t, sh!t, sh!t," I mumbled to myself as I started to turn around and head back to my house. I almost forgot what Darcy needed most, her inhaler. I first found out that Darcy had asthma when she turned two. We were on a plane to visit my best friend for a week. Once the plane started to move before it took off, Darcy got scared and soon started wheezing. She couldn't breathe properly and turned red. A flight attendant apparently knew what was going on and had an extra inhaler with her, just incase her own had stopped working. Darcy used it and started breathing again. 

Since Darcy was still asleep by the time I got back home, I ran into the house and grabbed her inhaler. As I was about to run out of the house, I saw a picture that I haven't noticed in a long while. It was a picture of Harry and I at the park when we were 16, a few months before I got pregnant. His arms were protectively wrapped around my waist from behind and my small hands were covering his large ones. His head rested on my shoulder and we both had large smiles on our faces. I stared at the picture for a minute then placed it face down on the table and walked away, back to the car. As much as I loved that picture, I wasn't going to make myself cry over how much I missed him. I doubt he missed me anyway, so what's the point in wasting my tears over him. 

After a 45 minute drive to the airport, Darcy woke up and the both of us went through the passport checks and security along with everything else. Once the plane started moving, I made sure that Darcy used her inhaler before anything terrible happened. The plane ride to New York was quite long , even though we weren't going to stop along the way. Darcy managed to sleep the entire way, but I'm not sure how she did it.

When the plane landed, I took our carry-on bag in one hand and held a groggy Darcy with my free arm as she rested her head on my shoulder. Once we finally got off of the plane, I immediately saw a sign that said:


I automatically knew that it was my friend, Elizabeth. I power walked as quickly as I could to her and the three of us had a small group hug before heading to Elizabeth's car. I asked her to drop us off at any hotel in Times Square. She tried to persuade me to stay with her but I couldn't.

Elizabeth, Darcy and I all walked into the large hotel which was beautiful. Huge crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The marble floors had incredible details all over them. I was stunned. After checking out our suite and unpacking a bit, I got a call from my boss, Silver. 


"Hey, (Y/N). How was your trip to New York? Did you and Darcy make it there alright?"

"It was good and we're alright, thank you."

"That's great! There's something that you have to do now."

"What's that?"

"Well, what are you doing now?"

"Unpacking, why?"

"Taylor wants to rehearse for the performance. I know you don't like her and I know that you just got settled and everything, but you have to rehearse with her."

"..Do I get paid a little extra for doing this? Because you know, I still haven't passed the jet lag stage yet.."

"Yes, you'll get paid extra. Just, hurry to the dance studio quickly." 

"Will do, bye, Silver!"


I groaned and Elizabeth along with Darcy looked up from playing with Darcy's teddy bear to see what was wrong. 

"Is everything okay?" asked Elizabeth.

"Just peachy!" I said, sarcastically. "I need you to watch Darcy for a few hours. I have to go to rehearsal," I said as I put on a cute blue tank top and gray sweatpants. 

"But you just got here!" 

"I know, babe! But this gets me more money which I really need, right now!" 

"Alright, fine. But you have to be back at the hotel before 11 PM," she said with a stern look.

"Alright, mother," I said as I kissed Darcy's forehead and opened the door. 

"Bye, baby!" I shouted to Darcy before I actually left. 

"You're mummy's mummy?!" I heard an excited Darcy say to Elizabeth before I closed the door and  made my way to the lift. I started to laugh really hard because of what Darcy said.

 "This is going to be interesting," I thought to myself before I pressed the lobby button for the lift. 


Hello,lovelies! Here's part 2! Sorry if it's crap.:s I'm sorry for any mistakes! Comments and feedback are appreciated! :) ❤

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