Chapter 38.

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Three years later ~

“(Y/N)! C’mon, hurry up! Perrie and Eleanor are wondering where you are!” Harry called from downstairs.

“Okay, just give me a second!” I said as I helped Adam get dressed. Everyone decided to meet up before the boys left for yet another tour. It’s insane how far they’ve gotten. No one thought they would’ve lasted this long, but boy, did the boys prove them wrong. I slipped Adam’s sweater over his head as I heard Harry calling my name again.

“I’m coming!” I shouted so that he’d hear me. Everyone’s here. Danielle’s here too even though her and Liam broke up a bit ago. She’s still one of my best friends. I picked up Adam and he wrapped his legs around my waist. We went downstairs and were greeted by everyone. I let Adam go play with Darcy, Louis’ and Eleanor’s daughter, Lucy, and Perrie’s and Zayn’s son, Charlie. 

I hugged all of the girls and greeted all the guys. They took all the spots on the couch, so I settled down on Harry’s lap and draped my arm around his neck while he absent mindedly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. His eyes were fixated on the TV, and so were the other boys’. They were watching a soccer match, Arsenal against Manchester United. 

There was a firework show in an hour at the park that’s a few minutes away from us. The plan was that we’d all go get ice cream together and then go to the firework show but none of the guys would get up. I removed my arm from around Harry’s neck and shifted my position so that I was straddling his lap. He pouted and attempted to look at the screen until I cupped his face in my hands and made direct eye contact with him. After a few seconds I pushed his cheeks together, making him have a fishy face.

“Yes, love?” He tried to say with his cheeks still pushed together.

“We have to go or else we’re going to be late for the fireworks,” I explained to him.

“Can’t we go after this match?” He whined. 

“No because if we go after, we won’t be able to get ice cream and I promised both Adam and Darcy that we’d get some.”

“But, baaaaabe” Harry pouted.

I sighed, let go of his face and gently rested my forehead against his.

“If you get yourself and the boys up and ready in less than five minutes, I’ll do anything you want me to do whenever you want,” I said somewhat quietly. Harry hesitated a few seconds before answering.

“Anything?” He asked before I nodded my head. Almost immediately he turned his head and told the guys to get ready whilst I laughed because I knew what he had in mind. 

About ten minutes later, everyone was ready to go and already in their cars. It didn’t take long before we got to the ice cream parlor. It wasn’t that busy either, we almost got out as quick as we walked in. By the time everyone was done with their ice cream, the fireworks were going to start.

I stood next to Harry as our fingers were laced together. Adam sat on my shoulders while Darcy sat on Harry’s since she was obviously bigger and wanted to “be higher,” and Harry’s about a foot taller than me, maybe a tiny bit less. 

A few minutes into the fireworks, Darcy and Adman were squirming and wiggling and were wanting to get off our shoulders so that they could stand with the other kids. Once they left, two strong arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and I was pulled back into Harry’s chest.

We stood there and watched the fireworks in silence until Harry rested his chin on my shoulder.

“I’m going to miss you more than ever when we leave for tour again,” he said.

“I’m going to miss you too, baby,” I told him as I rested my hands on top of his.

“You know, before everyone came over earlier, I was thinking about what a rollercoaster we’ve been riding since we first met,” he admitted. I nodded, telling him that I was listening as I remembered what had happened over the past years. 

We watched the rest of the fireworks as we laughed about stupid little mistakes we made before.

“So what have you learned on this bumpy ride?” Harry asked as the last firework went off.

“That nothing’s easy,” I said before I turned my head and gave him a gentle kiss.

OKAY SO NOTHING’S EASY IS FINALLY COMPLETED. I’M SO SORRY FOR THE EXTREMELY LONG WAIT. BUT IT’S DONE NOW AND SDKHSDKJFHAK. This part kinda sucked though so I’m sorry for that too. Anywaaays, I’m planning on writing another story and this time it’ll be a Niall one. I’ll try to get parts ready and done ahead of time so there aren’t terribly long waits. Thank you, I love you all so much

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