Chapter 13.

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Harry's P.O.V. ~

I rested my forehead on the door, waiting for (Y/N) to open it. I stayed like that for a few minutes until I heard shuffling and a quiet voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Darcy sitting up on the bed, tightly holding the teddy bear I gave her with one hand and groggily rubbing her left eye with the other hand.


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Where's mummy?" She asked as she looked around. I sighed and sat down on the bed, pulling her onto my lap.

"Mummy's being stubborn and won't get out of the washroom," I explained to her.


"I don't know, beautiful," I lied.

As I said those four words, Danielle rushed into the room.

"Where's (Y/N)? I heard you two screaming at each other, a door slam and now I'm here," she said.

"She locked herself in the washroom," I replied.

"WHAT?!" She basically shouted.

She ran over to the washroom door and started banging on it like a madwomen.


I let go of Darcy and went over to Danielle, confused about what she was talking about. I held her wrists in my arms and looked into her eyes. Her brown eyes were slowly filling up with tears.

"Danielle, what's wrong?! Why are you starting to cry? What is she going to try to do again?!" I tried to ask, calmly.

"The first time you left her, s-she tried to o-overdose," she stuttered. I stood in front of her, shocked at what I was hearing. I stared at her while still holding her wrists.

"S-she couldn't take it and tried to commit. I stopped her before she could do anything. But I don't know if she has already done it this time, Harry! I don't know if she took her medication in the washroom with her!" she sobbed to me. I sat her on the bed next to Darcy, walked back to the washroom door and started to bang on it.

"(Y/N)! C'mon, just come out already! I said that I was sorry!" I said a I continuously banged my clenched fists on the door.

"I swear, (Y/N), I'll kick the door down if you don't come out!" I warned.

Your P.O.V. ~

I still sat in the same position, with my back against the door. I was thinking until I felt someone almost punching the door. Vibrations were felt all throughout my back until I moved and sat against the wall.

"I swear, (Y/N), I'll kick the door down if you don't come out!"

I heard Harry yell. "Why does he care if I do or don't come out?" I thought to myself. I sat and continued thinking. I pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my chin on my forearms.

Whilst I was deciding whether I should forgive Harry or not, the door busted open. A worried and anxious Harry stood at the doorway. He quickly made his way over to me and picked me up bridal style. He led me to the bed both Darcy and Danielle were sitting on. Danielle was crying and Darcy had an extremely confused and curious facial expression. Harry placed me on the bed, took hold of my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes.

"Did you take the pills, (Y/N)?!" Harry said with a stern and serious look on his face.

I stayed silent, trying to figure out how he found out that I tried to overdose before.

"Answer me! Did you take the pills, (Y/N)?!" He repeated, a bit slower than before.

"No.." I whispered.



Danielle took Darcy into the living room. That's when I heard everyone come back to the hotel room with the food. Harry still stood in front of me; like he was frozen. His grip on my shoulders loosened and he took a step back. He took a deep breath before he could find the right words.

"(Y/N), I know that haven't been the best father figure to Darcy, you don't have to remind me. I wasn't even ready for a child but as you can hopefully tell, I am now. You and Darcy mean the absolute world to me. I might not have been there for Darcy like you were in the beginning, but I'm here now, aren't I? I didn't want to kiss Taylor. I didn't like the kiss I shared with Taylor. Her kisses are nothing compared to yours. The other day, when I said that I loved you, I meant it. I meant every single word that I said to you that day. I do regret what I said earlier, I was just upset because you had no trust in me," Harry said to me as he took the empty seat next to me. Silent tears streamed down his face.

I turned to look at him in the eye but he was looking down, trying to avoid any contact. I lifted his chin up with my thumb and pointer finger. He looked at me with his amazing green orbs. I kissed his tears away, pecked his lips then pulled him in for a hug and rested my head on his chest. I felt him smile and his heartbeat quicken as he kissed my hair and rested his cheek on the top of my head.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, but somehow me managed to hear me.

"It's alright, gorgeous. It's mainly my fault anyway," he chuckled.

I looked up at him and said "I love you" before pulling him in for a passionate kiss. He kissed back and whispered "I love you too" afterwards.

We got up and walked into the living food where everyone was stuffing their faces with tacos.

"Is everything all better now?" Asked a clearly starving and preppy Danielle.

"Just great," I replied before getting pulled onto Harry's lap.

Sorry about the mistakesss! :)

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