Chapter 36.

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While resting peacefully, I suddenly felt something trying to squeeze between Harry and I. I didn't like it. I was so comfortable and that was that best I've ever slept since we broke up.

I slowly opened my eyelids, trying to see what was disrupting my sleep while my vision was still blurry. When my eyesight was focused enough, I saw a small body with a head full of brown curls trying to pull Harry's arms from around my waist. We were spooning.

"Daddy! Move over!" Darcy said loudly, still trying to pull Harry's arms from around me. Harry started to slowly wake up. Once he woke up, he rubbed his eye and chuckled as he saw Darcy still continue to pry his arm off of me.

"Okay, okay. Just give me a minute, love," Harry said as he removed his arm from around me, kissed my cheek and then moved over so that there was an empty spot in between us. I quietly groaned and turned around so that I could see Harry. He smiled at me before our view of each other was blocked by Darcy.

"What are we doing today?" Darcy asked, looking from Harry to me.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Harry asked, extending his arm so that he could wrap it around both Darcy and I.

Darcy shrugged.

"We can spend the day at home and watch movies, we can go shopping, we can go bowling. We can do anything you want, beautiful," I said looking down at her.

"Can we stay home? I'm lazy today," Darcy said. Harry chuckled. "You're lazy?" He asked. Darcy nodded. Harry slowly started to nod as well. He retracted his arm from around us and walked his fingers along Darcy's stomach. Both Darcy and I looked at him with a confused expression until he started tickling her. I decided not to be dragged into the tickling since I was extremely ticklish and got off the bed.

I stood up and stretched as Harry continued tickling Darcy. I kept saying Harry's name until I got his attention but unfortunately I never did. I took one of the throw pillows that was on the floor and threw it at Harry. It hit him in the head. Once he averted his attention to me, Darcy's laughter died down a bit.

"I'm going to wash up and then make breakfast. Harry, after you're done tickling her, make sure you both wash up. Alright?" I said. They said "okay" in unison before Harry went back to tickling Darcy.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom. After I locked the door and turned around, I noticed that all of AJ's colognes and everything was still placed on the counter. I sighed, opened the door, walked into my closet, pulled out an extra box, walked back into the bathroom and shoved everything of his into the box. I closed it, and placed it outside of the bathroom.

Once I looked up from the box, Harry and Darcy were looking at me questioningly. I shrugged and just walked back into the bathroom. I stood in front of the sink and looked in the mirror. My eyes were still a tad bit red. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and started to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I got out of the bathroom, Harry and Darcy were sitting on the bed with their feet dangling off the foot of the bed; the same questioning expression on their face.

"What's in the box?" Harry asked.

"Just a few of AJ's stuff, don't worry about it," I said before walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I pulled the carton of eggs out of the fridge and put them on the counter. When I was about to bend down to get a pan out of the lower cabinet, two arms were wrapped around my waist.

I smiled and stood up straight, leaning into his chest a bit more.

"Need help making breakfast?" Harry asked before he kissed the top of my head.

"No, thank you. I think I'll be able to manage," I sighed before attempting to pull away. He didn't let me go, his arms remained wrapped around my waist.

"Remember when we tried having our second child before you left me?" He asked suddenly. I could feel him looking at me so I nodded. "What ever happened to the baby? Did you even get pregnant?"

"Yeah, I did get pregnant," I admitted, looking down and playing with his long fingers.

"Well, what happened to it?"

"Um.." I hesitated. How did he want me to tell him?

"Did you give it up for adoption?" I shook my head.

"Did you have an abortion?" He asked in a serious tone. I turned around and looked at him in shock.

"I would never do that! You already know how cruel and disgusting I think that is!"

"Then what'd you do to the baby?"

"I had a miscarriage," I said barely above a whisper.

"What?" He asked, not hearing what I had said previously.

"Miscarriage, Harry. I had a miscarriage," I said a bit louder before tears started to brim my eyes.

Harry sighed before pulling me into a hug, shushing me and telling me that nothing was my fault. He then told me to go into the living room and sit with Darcy while he made breakfast. I didn't argue and went to sit with Darcy.

After a few minutes of watching Spongebob Squarepants, Harry came out with a large tray full of food. We all quickly ate and immediately started watching the movies.

About five movies later, Darcy had to go to bed. Harry and I both put her to bed and went into my bedroom. He laid in my bed in only his boxers and waited for me to join him. He was playing with something in his hand, I couldn't tell what it was.

I laid down next to him but on my side so that we were looking at each other. We sat there and enjoyed each other's company until he decided to speak up.

"What do you think about getting married?" He asked.

"M-married?" I stuttered. He nodded his head.

"I don't exactly think it's a bad thing," I admitted, tracing shapes and patterns into the sheets underneath us.

"That's all I need to hear. (Y/N) I know this could be more romantic, and I'm sorry that it isn't, but I just couldn't wait any longer. I love you, a lot. And I've been waiting so long to ask you this," Harry said before opening his hand and revealing a diamond ring.

"(Y/F/N), will you marry me?" Harry asked with a dimpled smile.

"Yes," I said without hesitation. I smiled widely before he put the ring onto my ring finger and passionately kissed me.

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