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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


To our beloved dog, Avery. We love you and we still misses you love.


"B.I." The first word that came out from Johnny's mouth. Tears streaming down freely on his face. He have called the Sun Province leader for thousand times to spare his life. But to no avail the man he called B.I remain quiet on his seat. "You have to believe me. I didn't do it on purpose. I just don't have a choice but to do it." Johnny Dunn, is a foreigner that he allowed to live in N City, few years ago. He is in his mid 50s who tries to make Kim Hanbin a fool but unfortunately, he was caught by him.

Johnny Dunn was on his knees trembling while pleading for his life. The faint light of the bulb is the only light that huge room has....and the lights were only striking his direction. The thirteen men in that room were all looking at Johnny's miserable state but they just don't care about his welfare anymore. Johnny Dunn clearly betrayed them..not just Hanbin but also the leaders of the 12 districts of N city.

Johnny looked at his direction even though the light of his cigarette is the only thing he can see. He can't see Hanbin's expression but he's 100% sure that he'll be dead any moment if he don't make a good pleading. Knowing what he's capable of doing, with a person like him for Kim Hanbin his life can be comparable to a fly only or worst cockroach that he can kill just by stepping on it.

"That's why you agreed to become the spy of H city?" Hanbin said with a bit of sarcasm. His voice is calm but the expression in his eyes was unreadable. "Is that it, Mr Dunn?"

Johnny gulped the invisible lump in his throat. His expression became more wary. He looked more frightened when Hanbin spoke. Yes, his voice was calmed but for Johnny it's thunderous and deadly...his words were as if struck right into his heart again and again. He tried to walk to his direction while still on his knees however one of his men prevent him to do so. He felt the stung on his shoulder because of the hard grip of one of Hanbin's men.

Hanbin stand up from his seat. He removed his suit jacket, fold his white polo sleeves into 3/4s, then he took the golf club from Kang Seungyoon, the leader of District 4. He faced Johnny Dunn and walked slowly at his direction. The golf club was making a noice while he walks and that scares Johnny even more. The expression in Hanbin's eyes were still unreadable. His expression was blank as if it were taken away from him and his sanity was blown away by the wind.

When he reached Johnny Dunn he stopped right infront of him. He squat and level to Johnny's face. His left hand still holding the tip handle of the golf club.

"You know what H city means to me. Everyone in N city knows that I loathe Caliver Borabo...and you know how Caliver means to H city."

" I know. I-I know I made a mistake and I won't do it again. Just please...spare my life..and I'll be loyal to you for the rest of my life." Johnny cried. His nose was dripping with clear liquid and tears were flowing down to his lips. But he doesn't care if he taste the saltiness of it.

"Too bad..l don't give second chances...Mr. Dunn." He said without remorse and without a second thought he struck the golf club in his head. Hanbin's face and white shirt was smeared with Johnny's blood.

"I have crimes but his..." A short pause. " more heinous why you didn't understand that part, Mr Dunn?" He asked as if Johnny was still alive. He then carelessly throw the golf club on the ground. "Clean this mess." He commanded before he walked away.

Later that day Johnny Dunn's death was all over the news but Kim Hanbin was never mentioned. Instead the people of N city talked about how Johnny Dunn betrayed the city by being acquainted to Caliver Borabo...the leader of H city, the mortal enemy of everyone in N city.

✅When A Bad Boy Fell In Love (Fanfiction) Wattys2021✅Where stories live. Discover now