Chapter 6: I Want To Meet Sun Province Leader

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*We met again, does it mean we are meant to be?*


Lee Hi left the hospital. On her way out she hailed a cab since it's already late and her exhausted body needs a good sleep now. Beside it is just for today she'll ride a taxi but tomorrow she'll walk again. Because of exhaustion she didn't notice that a luxury car was parking right in front of her house, even when she got out of the taxi.

Her half close eyes widen, not just that but her half asleep soul became wide awake when a raspy but deep voice speak at her back. "Miss Lee." She even jump in surprise, the exhaustion in her body suddenly fades away. Upon realizing who it was she bowed her head right away.

"Jinu leader of District 1? What brought you here this late?" She manage to ask even though she's still in daze. She didn't let them read the confusion in her face, that's why she remained her head low.

"I am not actually alone. I am with the other leaders."

Unconsciously, she straighten her back and looked at Jinu's back. That's when the other leaders show themselves from where they are hiding. She bowed her again to show them respect. She didn't expect that she'll be seeing them again, after the encounter earlier. Though Hoony mentioned earlier that it will not be the first and last time they'll meet. But she didn't know that she'll meet them again this too soon, on the same day they met.

"How long have you been here? Is there something important you must discuss to me that you even visited me at this late hour instead of sleeping?"

"It's fine. It doesn't matter if we waited here the whole day."

Lee Hi's mouth left hanging open. 'They waited for her the whole day!' Without a word she bowed numerous time while apologizing. "I am sorry. I'm sorry if I make the leaders wait for me."

"Stop bowing your head and apologizing, Miss Lee. We told you it's fine. We just want to give you this. I hope this can help, for your mother's operation."

Her brows knotted in confusion when Jinu give her the bag he's holding. She did not accept it though. "May I know what's in the bag?" She had an idea but she still want to make sure.

"A huge amount of money."

"Do you know the exact amount?" Jinu's lips twitched sideward. Clearly, she's not what Hanbin think about her. There's nothing special about her to be exact.

"I don't know exactly..all I know is, it can feed the entire District 1."

"Why would you give me this huge amount of money just for my mother's operation? When you can feed the entire District 1 with that money." Lee Hi bowed her head "I'm sorry but I have to decline this offer, please understand." She straighten her back and meet Jinu's almond pupils. There's mix emotion there that she can't read. "Please, just give that money to someone who really needs it."

The twelve leaders were amazed but hide it by just staying expressionless. "But didn't you need this money as well?"

"You're right, but I never asked favor from you nor asked for that money. I am not a beggar that you can just donated some money. I have a work and I can provide for myself and for my mother. It may not be enough...but still it came from my hardworks."

"I understand your point. However, I can't go back home if the money is still with me. In fact, we all can't go back home, unless we deliver this money and being accepted by you."

✅When A Bad Boy Fell In Love (Fanfiction) Wattys2021✅Where stories live. Discover now