Chapter 39: You Can Cry Now

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*Even heroes have the right to bleed, yet everyone also needs a hero. Not because we want saving but because we too are getting tired.*


How many days, weeks have passed still no sign of Dahyun. Hanbin keep on looking for her while Lee Hi on the other hand is keep on waiting for him to go home. She's already sleeping if he arrived home at night and if it's morning she's still sleeping since he's leaving early in the morning. She can't even have a glimpse of him anymore.

She get used to it though there's still longing and sadness but she's hiding it in her smile. She just get used to being with the thirteen First in Command Guards. Sometimes they play cards and she's not sure if they really don't know how to play or they are just letting her win. Sometimes their bonding is playing with Lulu and Baobao. They knew that she's sad and she's just looking for company that will make her forget about the pain. Especially Min..because he's with her most of the time.

"Did your hyungnim left early again?" She asked Min that morning. It's exactly six weeks after Dahyun left the city and Hanbin turn the whole Sun Province upside down just to find her. A bitter smile form onto her lips. She doesn't want to feel envy but she's wondering if Hanbin would do the same if incase she left the city too or incase she was lost. She closed her eyes to shrugged that thought away.

Asking Min with the same question became her daily routine every morning. She's giving a strong facade to make Min believe as if she's not being affected anymore. She make everyone believe that she's just fine and everything is okay but the truth is...she's been dying inside. She's on the verge of giving up..but what is love without trials right? Love isn't always about happiness, time will come that the love you have for a person will be tested. If you are strong enough then you know how to wait and still hold on..but if not you'll just give up until everything will just be a memory.

In her case she's willing to wait. She's willing to hold on. She just don't know until when..she's getting tired but she just can't give up too. Even though Hanbin isn't aware that he's already hurting her she still believe and trust him. She still loves him.

"He did, Miss."

"Did he even eat?"

"He didn't."

She heaved a deep sigh. Closed her eyes tightly again and calm herself discreetly. Not wanting Min to really know what she's feeling right now. 'Is that how Dahyun really important to you, that you can't even eat breakfast just to find her.'

"Do you want to eat some ice cream?"

She open her eyes and have a look at Min. For the first time she saw him smile. She then smiled too, "Are you going to treat me?"

"Why not?"

"Let's go then." She said chirpily.

They went to the open parking of the mansion and used the car that was designated for her. "I am not in position to say this Miss..but you don't have to hide the pain if you are really in pain. Maybe that's what B.I needed to see." Min said. They are now heading to the ice cream parlor.

Suddenly her smile faded. She looked at the rearview mirror then shifted her gaze at the window. A timid smile form onto her lips. "How can I do that, Min? I love your hyungnim..and I am not selfish. We don't hurt and break the person we love, Min. We don't want them to put in a situation that they will have a hard time to choose."

"But love should not be foolish too." The whole ride became quiet just like how feather fall between her and Min after that short conversation.

✅When A Bad Boy Fell In Love (Fanfiction) Wattys2021✅Where stories live. Discover now