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After my surprising encounter with the Mikaelson brothers I went inside the house feeling tired and sleepy. I decided to go straight to bed and explore the rest of the house and things later. As I drifted into sleep the last thing that came to my mind was Niklaus Mikaelson's greyish blue eyes.
I woke up 18 hours later feeling hungry. I decided to order a pizza. After ordering the pizza I went to look into the garage. To my surprise there was a car in perfect condition. I thanked my mother internally for providing me with the means of transportation. As I came to the backyard again I found a letter there underneath a dead flowerpot.
Dear Misha,
I wanted to see you once again but I thought against it seeing as you maybe extremely tired from your day's events. I do so look forward to seeing you again love. I'm going out of town for a while. I sincerely hope for you to settle down and enjoy Mystic Falls until my return.
Niklaus/ Klaus Mikaelson.
The note made me smile a little bit more than usual. It was a good start to the day. I decided to take a shower and get dressed and go down the school to discuss about my job. I decided to take the car. As I wandered
a bit in the town I came across Mystic Grill which I decided to check out later. The town was quaint and simple but was a hotspot of supernatural creatures. I somehow managed to find my way to the Mystic Falls High School. I parked my car and looked around seeing the teenage students and mentally cringing but the job was necessary. As I entered school I passed a group who gave supernatural energy. A witch and a vampire and a human but she was a little supernatural. I passed closely by them that is how I realized they were supernatural. I reached the administration office met up the principle who told me to join next monday which was 4 days away. I relaxed a bit and decided to go home and check for my mother's Grimoires. I came back to house and looked into my mother's little drawer. It had Grimoires and letters and different files about my ancestors. I looked through the letters first. Nothing of that importance... Then it was a letter addressed to me!
My lovely daughter Misha,
I knew you would come back home one day
Forgive me for sending you away but I did it so you could live your life without the responsibility of handling a coven. If they knew about you they would have forced you to handle the coven from a very young age. I know your life with your father's family wasn't that great... But your father is a good man he promised me he will keep you safe. I hope you forgive me my lovely daughter. I wish so much to see you one last time. But I know you are a beautiful young woman who can bring world to her feet with her kindness and power.
Our ancestors are all gone and all that power now resides in you. My darling look for Kol Mikaelson he has helped your ancestors in the past. He may be an original vampire but he keeps witches in high regards. Look for him and let him help you. He can help you with your power.
I love you my daughter, my heir. There was never a day I did not think about you. I hope you embrace your true self. Every part. I love you darling.
After reading the letter my eyes teared up. I was never upset with my mother for letting me go... Yes I was a bit angry but when I heard of her death that anger turned into sadness. I kept on reading the letter again and again. I then realised the name Mikaelson. I immediately knew it was Klaus's family somehow. Those two brothers radiated power and confidence through their actions and words. I planned on talking to Kalus and asking him for Kol.

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