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⚠️Mention of panic attacks and anxiety in this chapter⚠️

On Saturday early morning Misha decided to take her trip to Chicago. She was nervous as she was going alone but set her fear aside and got ready. She planned to shop a little and explore. She started her car and put on some bollywood songs. She was definitely a bollywood fan as she grew up in India. She took a stop at a gas station and purchased some necessities and resumed her journey. She reached Chicago. She stopped her car and searched for good place to shop. She found a cafe first and decided to get some coffee. After her coffee she decided to go to the boutique. As she was getting there for a moment she saw Elena there but dismissed the thought thinking as to why Elena would be here. She parked her car and went in to the boutique as soon as she entered the boutique she saw those beautiful eyes she could not stop thinking about. "Klaus" she whispered

Immediately Klaus's eyes met her he was surprised to see her there but smiled a pure smile of happiness

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Immediately Klaus's eyes met her he was surprised to see her there but smiled a pure smile of happiness. "Hello love! What are you doing here in magical Chicago?" Klaus asked her. Misha smiled at him but was confused seeing him in a women's boutique "I'm here to shop and explore but I didn't peg you as floral dress type of guy" She joked at which Klaus laughed heartily. Then a feminine voice from behind asked "How does it look?"

 Misha looked at the beautiful girl in front of her and then looked at Klaus

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Misha looked at the beautiful girl in front of her and then looked at Klaus. She immediately jumped to the conclusion that she must be his girlfriend. She smiled at the girl anyways. She didn't know why but she felt a bit hurt. She had just once spoken to Klaus but it still hurt her a little to see a woman with him. Klaus sensed her misunderstanding and cleared it. " Misha meet my sister Rebekkah". Misha mentally facepalmed herself at her overthinking abilities. She laughed a little sheepishly "Oh sister... Nice to meet you Rebekkah. May I say you are very beautiful." Rebekkah smiled at the girl and looked at her brother who looked a little smitten by the girl in front of her. "sorry I don't think I know you... Clearly you know my idiot of a brother" Rebekkah remarked smirking at her brother. Klaus scowled at her and Misha laughed. "Well if you want to really know long story short... Your brother turned human from a wolf in my backyard" she laughingly said to Rebekkah. Rebekkah laughed at her statement. "I like you" said Rebekkah. Klaus looked a little tensed as if something was bothering him. "why are you so grumpy?" Rebekkah inquired Klaus To which Klaus scowled and answered "I needed one thing from you for my witch to solve my problem and you lost it" Misha stood awkwardly aside the bickering siblings listening. "I didn't lose it it's misplaced since the last 90 years" Rebekkah anwered irritated by Kalus's blame game. Misha decided to help Klaus but that meant telling him of her witch heritage. But she suddenly recalled her Mother's letter and Kol's mention in it. She decided to make a deal with Klaus. "If its a witch problem I can help" she said a little nervously. Klaus and Rebekkah looked at her in confusion. "and how do you plan on helping love?" inquired Klaus.
She looked at him and hesitated a little but to find this Kol Mikaelson she needed Kalus's help. "I'm a witch... And a very powerful one. I can help you... But I need a little information about someone's whereabouts. So I help you... You help me... And anyways what a little information will cost you" she rambled nervously to Klaus. Klaus looked at her more intrigued if possible.
"I can work with that... But first you need to help me" klaus said. "and how do I know that you will not just use me and go back on the deal?" Misha asked her overthinking in overdrive. Klaus laughed a little but felt a little hurt by Misha's lack of trust in him but went on "Guess you will just have to trust me Little Witch" Klaus said looking in her eyes. "little witch!" Misha raised her eyebrow and laughed at the name Klaus called her. But decided to trust him as her instincts were telling her to.
"Well I'm a Griffith Witch... My full name is Misha Griffith Kapoor." Misha purposefully left out the warewolf part of information. Klaus now looked at her impressed by the information. "as I recall the last of Griffith coven of witches died a few years back" countered Klaus. "Yes well that last you know about was my Mother. No one knew about me so here I'm last of the Griffith coven" Misha informed him with a sad smile. "I'm sorry about your mother" Klaus said and Rebekkah looked at him bewildered. Never in his life has the Klaus Mikaelson apologized to anyone about anything. Rebekkah was now very much interested in getting to know the woman who made Klaus apologize. "yeah me too... But now tell me about your problem. I'm guessing it has something to do with the hybrids?" "how do you know that I'm a hybrid?" Klaus asked and narrowed his eyes at her with suspicion. "Oh please I live in Mystic Falls... Do you really think I didn't hear about you" Misha laughed and told him. Klaus was satisfied with her answer and smirked at her. "Well then tell me what is wrong. What am I doing wrong? The witch I was using informed me that she needs to connect to the original witch who created the curse... But as you might know the original witch is very dead. So now help me" "so what do you need from Rebekkah that she lost?" Misha asked him confused. "well love in order to connect to the original witch Gloria needed the necklace of the original witch that Rebekkah so pleasantly misplaced" Klaus scoweled at Rebekkah again while answering to Misha. Rebekkah threw the nearest glass at her brother in frustration. "Woah hey... No violence I do bleed" Misha said to both of them trying to diffuse the tension between the bickering siblings. Klaus looked at her alarmed as if checking her to see if she's hurt. Misha shook her head smiling at Klaus convincing him of no damage. "Okay... Now Rebekkah if the necklace was yours you must have worn it... And I'm guessing for at least 900 years. So give me your hand. I might be able to locate it". Rebekkah was impressed by Misha's intelligence and wit and she complied instantly and gave her hand to her. It took Misha just a minute to realize that Elena Gilbert was wearing that necklace. She was shocked and confused but she had made a deal with Klaus so she told them the truth. "The necklace is with Elena Gilbert!" As soon as Misha said that Kalus's hand went up her throat and he held up her in the air. "Elena Gilbert is dead! As I clearly remember draining her during the ritual myself!" Klaus seethed in anger. Misha was shocked by the display of violence from the hybrid, her mind went to the day her brother did the same thing and now it triggered her trauma; her body went into panic mode and she could not think straight she looked at him in fear and all she saw was her schizophrenic brother Rishi. "Rishi.... Leave me..... Rish.... Rish ple.. Please.... Rey.. Help... Help me.... Rey... Rey.. Reyan help me... Dad... Dad... Rishi... Rishi plea.... Please sto... Stop it Rishi..."
Misha was clearly having a panic attack and Klaus realized that she was not talking about him anymore she was taking the names of people he didn't knew about. Klaus realized what he has done he triggered her trauma. He tried to calm her but she kept saying "Rishi please leave me... Rish please... Stop.... Stop"
Rebekkah pushed Klaus off of Misha and held her gently "hey its okay... You are saved... Its me Rebekkah... You are safe... You are safe... Rishi is gone... He is gone... You are safe" Rebekkah kept repeating the sentences. Finally Misha stopped panicking and saw Rebekkah's face and hugged her tightly still sobbing in her arms.
Klaus looked so hurt seeing Misha Vulnerable like that and he was cursing himself internally for causing Misha such a bad panic attack. He looked at Rebekkah and told her in low voice as to not startle Misha again "Make sure she is okay sister.. I'm going to have a chat with Gloria." with that Klaus left a distraught looking Misha in his sister's arms. He concluded Misha may not want him around anymore and all because he couldn't keep his temper in check. Klaus threw his phone in frustration. As Kalus went to Gloria, Misha calmed down, Rebekkah offered her some water which she drank and she was now lying down on the sofa in the boutique to calm her spinning head. Few moments later Misha felt better she thanked Rebekkah but also apolofized, "I'm sorry you had to see me like this. And I thank you for helping me. But I must go now. I think... I think its better if I stay alone for a while...I promise I'm better now" Misha said and left Rebekkah.
Rebkkah went to the warehouse where her family lied daggered and she saw Stefan snooping around the caskets. She looked at Stefan and said "Family weight" Stefan smiled slightly towards her and started to inquire more about Mikaelsons as to find a loophole to keep Elena safe. "Why don't you... Uhh.. Undagger them" Stefan suggested to Rebekkah trying to act normal. After a few minutes of conversation in which Stefan brought up the name of Mikael; Rebekkah realized that Stefan was not with them and was lying all this time to her brother. As soon as Klaus entered the warehouse he sensed the awkwardness between his sister and his so called friend.
"He is not with us Nik! He was just asking me about Mikael. I can sense it Nik, he is not with us!" Rebekkah informed her brother. Stefan tried to protest but Klaus was angry and pissed and in a fit of rage snapped Stefan's neck.
"Where is Misha, Rebekkah?" Klaus asked
"Now you care! After causing that sweet girl who was just helping you, a traumatic panic attack now you are asking me where is Misha!" Rebekkah yelled at her brother. Klaus did looked ashamed but quickly hid it
"I don't care Rebekkah. I was just asking as I owe her a favor" Klaus replied coldly. But Rebekkah knew better than that, she looked at Klaus and adviced him "Don't mess it up Nik! Not many people help you or even smile at you the way she does!" and with that they left for Mystic Falls.

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