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The next day Klaus and Rebekkah were set to enquire the witch who informed Marcel about Misha in the quarter. Kol and Elijah were nowhere to be seen and Katherine and Misha were sleeping in Katherine's room. Klaus was torturing one of Marcel's nightwalkers with Joshua and was draining him of vervain.

Rebekkah informed Klaus about Katie- Thierry's girlfriend who gave information about Misha's presence in the park. Rebekkah brought Sophie when Kol came in and woke Misha up.
"Get up Mish!" Kol said.
"What is it?" Misha mumbled
"I have in information and also Sophie is here" Kol answered.
"Okay, I'm coming down" Misha said sitting up.
Downstairs Rebekkah and Klaus were forming a plan to sabotage Thierry's position as well as Katie's. Klaus had a plan all he had to do was convince Sophie.
"Well Sophie, you forgot to tell us about a certain witch you know, teenager, cute as a button, anger issues..." Kol said entering the room.
Klaus and Rebekkah raised an eyebrow at Kol telling him to explain everything.
"Davina" Sophie whispered in a low voice, but naturally everyone heard her.
"So I guess, this Davina the cute temperamental witch is the reason you want Marcel out" Misha said. As soon as Klaus saw her he stood up and went to her engulfing her in a warm tight hug.
"How are you this morning love?" Klaus asked with concern for her pregnant girlfriend.
"I'm good today, those herbs worked like a charm" Misha answered with a smile. Klaus smiled a little and gave her a quick peck on the lips and returned to his conversation with Sophie.
"So tell us Sophie, who is this witch and why is she so important? And what is Marcel's role in all these?" Klaus questioned Sophie.
"Its a long story about the harvest ritual" Sophie said and started her story.
"Harvest ritual takes place every once in certain centuries. Four teenage witches are prepared to be sacrificed for the ritual. It is believed that the magic powers the ancestors and that is how our ancestors power us."
"Why have we never heard of this harvest ritual?" Rebekkah questioned.
"It was always a myth. Only the elders believed in it. Even I never believed in the ritual, but my sister did and she let my niece participate in that ritual... " Sophie trailed off. Misha was revolted after hearing that teenage girls were sacrificed just for the ancestors greed for the power.
"And how does Marcel fit in any of these?" Misha asked.
"When my sister told me about my niece's involvement in the ritual I asked Marcel for help, I even went to father Kieren for help. You see, I never had faith in the ritual to begin with but Jane, she had total faith in it; she did what elders told her, she let her daughter's throat be slit for the ritual. Marcel has this one rule about never hurting a child. Marcel and his nightwalkers raided the cemetery and killed almost all the elders present in the ritual, but he was late, my niece was already sacrificed. But Davina was still alive and he took off with Davina and I saw all the magic get to Davina. So that's how Davina is the most powerful witch currently. She has the powers of ancestors as well as of other harvest girls. Marcel took Davina and fled off. No one knows where he keeps Davina," Sophie finished.
Misha was impressed by Marcel's rule about not hurting a child but she was also angry on the fact that Marcel himslef uses Davina for the show of power. Misha sighed and went out of the room. Misha also had other things on the mind, she wanted to tell her family about the pregnancy but that was a huge deal, she knew her brothers and her mother wouldn't be happy that she is having a child out of wedlock. She was confused as to let them know or not, but she couldn't hide a news this big. After all the planning and plotting, Klaus came to Misha and sat beside her.
"I want to go to the party" Misha announced.
"No, you don't." Klaus answered. Misha looked at him with her puppy dog eyes.
"Please Nik, It's been so long. Please, please, please... I won't leave any of your side. No one would touch me when I'm with the Mikaelsons." Misha pleaded.
Klaus took a deep breath and cupped her cheeks with the palm of his hands and kissed her.
"Fine love, but you are not going to leave mine, Elijah or Rebekkah's side. I love you so much" Klaus said. Misha gave him a big smile and once again pulled him into a long kiss.
Plan was set in motion. The witch shops were ordered to be raided by Marcel and Klaus had compelled one of his men to attack Katie. They all went to get ready for the party.

Misha's outfit for the party

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Misha's outfit for the party.
Klaus saw Misha and was once again stunned by her beauty. He was in a trance as he saw her coming down the stairs. Misha's breath hitched in her throat as she saw Klaus in a black suit. He looked absolutely perfect.
"You always make me loose my words sweetheart." Klaus whispered in her ear. Misha blushed and gave him a lingering kiss on the corner of his lips.
"You look devilishly handsome Nik." Misha said and Klaus grinned. He offered his hand to her and she took it. Misha and Elijah were supposed to go together as Klaus and Rebekkah were going together.
As they reached the event Klaus Rebekkah held her hand and dragged her towards Camille. "Hello Camille, you look absolutely gorgeous." Rebekkah complimented the bartender.
"I guess he is the famous on and off" Camille said pointing at Klaus.
"He is the brother actually." Klaus answered coming towards them.
"And you are?" Camille asked looking at Misha.
"A close family friend." Rebekkah answered quickly.
"Misha, nice to meet you Camille." Misha answered with a smile. However Camille had her eyes on Klaus.
"You too chitchat, we'll have something to drink." Rebekkah said and left Klaus and Camille alone.
"Another day another blonde." Misha joked at which Rebekkah cracked a smile. After sometime Klaus joined them.
"You are really evil little sister." Klaus said in a complimenting tone to Rebekkah.
"Well you wanted to distract Marcel what more distraction than putting a girl he fancies in a room full of vamires." Rebekkah said.
Marcel came from behind and looked at Misha and asked,
"And who this gorgeous lady might be?"
"A friend of mine, so be careful." Rebekkah answered.
"Well I suppose your friend here wouldn't mind a dance would she?" Marcel said smiling charmingly at Misha. Klaus clenched his jaw but refrained from telling anything. Misha smiled and took his hand.
"So tell me, what a beautiful young lady like you doing here in New Orleans?" Marcel asked Misha.
"Well, I always wanted to see New Orleans abd when Rebekkah asked me to join on this trip I couldn't deny" Misha replied.
"How do you know Rebekkah?" Marcel enquired.
"That's a story for another time Mr.Gerad" Misha said smiling at him.
"Thank you for the dance though." Misha said and left to stand with Elijah. Klaus saw Diego enter the party and smirked.
"Now begins the party" Klaus said and Elijah smiled. Diego informed Marcel that Thierry killed one of his nightwalkers to save Katie. Marcel was furious. Josh came in and Klaus handed him a page of his mother's grimorie that had the spell for daylight ring. Klaus motioned Elijah to leave with Misha and Rebekkah left to locate Davina. Elijah and Misha left for the plantation house. Klaus came a little while later and informed them about Katie's death and Marcel's trust on him.

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