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Davina was dead as a result of harvest ritual, she was supposed to be resurrected but she didn't, something went wrong. Marcel was grieving and he took a break from all his work and told Klaus and Elijah to takeover for him. He was waiting for Sophie in Rousseau's where he was attacked by a dead witch and his 2 sons Papa Tunde. Cami had called Klaus for help and Klaus did save him. Same thing happened with Rebekkah as she was dessicated and used as an endless source of power to fuel Papa Tunde's magic. Elijah and Misha did save her but the main question was, 'why the hell was a dead witch suddenly walking and spreading terror into the land of living'?
"Something went wrong with the ritual, 4 were supposed to die and be resurrected but instead a long dead warlock specially your enemy got resurrected. Its like they stole whatever power was supposed to bring those 4 girls back" Misha said.
"I believe you are right. But how can we solve this?" Elijah asked.
"Simple, we kill them again." Klaus said entering the study. He said down beside Misha and wrapped an around her shoulder.
"Klaus! You all gotta see this!" Diego shouted from the courtyard. They all stood up and went down to the courtyard where tthe dead body of Papa Tunde laid.
"Oh God!" Misha groaned and buried her head in Kalus's arms. Elijah sat down to inspect the body.
"Shall I get you something Elijah, a pipe perhaps?" Klaus said mocking Elijah who just rolled his eyes.
"Back in the days when the witches wanted to send a message they would leave a chicken on the doorstep." Marcel said.
"It's a rather large and ominous chicken won't you say!" Elijah said and Rebekkah came from behind,
"Well don't you all look cheery, look at this..." Rebekkah started and showed a video on her phone,
"A girl literally exploded from her grave during the cemetery tour for the tourists. They think it was a show." She ended and Marcel's eyes lit up.
"It means we can still get Davina back." Marcel quipped.
"I believe so. We just have to figure out which wrongly resurrected witch we have to kill. I suggest killing all four." Misha said shrugging her shoulders and walking back to her room.

"Sweetheart, I think you should go to the safe house with Hayley and Rebekkah until this mess is cleaned up. The compound is currently unsafe." Klaus said sitting down next to Misha.
"Do I have to? I'm here surrounded by a whole army... Im safer here darling." Misha tried to argue.
"Love, they all are on witch hunting duties with Elijah and I and Marcel will be going to question Monique Deveroux, the compound will be unprotected tonight. Please love, I just want to make sure that you and our little ones are safe." Klaus said pressing her head into his chest. Misha pouted a little but agreed to go.

At the plantation, Hayley had arranged for a little party for her pack as tonight was the only night her pack would be human for a few hours. Misha was in the kitchen looking for food when a fully naked man stood by her side.
"Get dressed or get out" Misha growled at the man. However Rebekkah did check him out and they both went out to have a good time.
"Your Highness" Said a man bowing down slightly to Misha. Misha raised an eyebrow as she had no idea who he was and why was he calling her 'his highness'.
"Umm... Who are you? And why are you greeting me as if I'm the Queen of England?" Misha said chuckling. The man stood up straight and chuckled as well.
"I'm Jackson Kenner, your highness. And I'm referring to you in a royal way because you are a royalty. You are a descendent of the werewolf royals 'Whitebloods'. They were basically the king and queens of 7 most important werewolf packs. One being Crescent pack. So as the Alpha to this pack, I'm trying to follow the traditions." Jackson explained.
"Oh! Well I apologize for being unaware of my own ancestry, you see I have no clue about my werewolf pack or relatives, my father never got a chance to explain it to me. So thank you Jackson. And please call me Misha, I don't deserve to be called as your highness yet." Misha said smiling. Soon Hayley joined and Jackson dropped the bomb of his and Hayley's arranged bethrotal on Hayley.

Suddenly Hayley came in telling something was wrong, and she was correct, Misha, Hayley and Jackson were all trapped in the room and the room was surrounded by fire. Misha was getting out of breath when Katherine and Elijah broke into the room saving her and the others. They sped Misha home and informed her about the missing Klaus and Rebekkah.

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