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After a dangerous day, Tyler was buried in Marcel's head garden and Hayley was appointed as sort of bodyguard for the unborn Mikaelson children. Misha's mind wandered to the wolf who bowed in front of her, she had no idea about her wolf lineage. She wanted to know more but she had no clue whom to ask. She thought of returning to the bayou to see if there are anymore wolves out there, but considering the mortal danger she always finds herself in there was no way Klaus would allow her to go there. She had to be patient and reasonable. Misha was sitting beside the pool watching the stars, it calmed her. Misha always wanted to name her child after a constellation and while she was watching she thought of names of different constellations that she could name her children after when a voice interrupted her thoughts.
"I have been looking everywhere for you," Said Klaus from behind her. He sat next to Misha and wrapped an arm around her waist. She leaned into his touch and listened to the rhythm of his heart. Sitting under the stars and listening to Klaus's heartbeat made her forget every worry she was ever feeling. Here in the arms of Klaus was her home, was her calm, was her peace...
"I love watching the night sky" Misha said.
"Any particular reason for that?" Klaus asked her.
"It gives me a sense of peace.., you know moon may not always be visible in the sky but the stars... they are constant. While the presence of the moon does make sky look pretty, but the everlasting presence of stars in the sky makes it  beautiful, without the stars moon is just a ball of cool light. The stars around the moon makes it prettier than the sun. I believe that the people I love are like stars. I don't care if I have a moon in my life or not, but I can't live without the stars; and you all are my stars. And you are like Sirius... The brightest star there is." Misha answered.
"Beautiful indeed" Klaus said but looking at her.
"I don't want this calm to end Nik" Misha said
"Me too love... I really wish you weren't dragged into the mess that our lives are" Klaus responded pressing a kiss on top of her head.
"I wouldn't have it any other way Nik, being with you gives me all the peace and calm... So I ignore how much of a pain in the arse you can be sometimes." Misha said chuckling.
"Ouch, you wound me Love" Klaus said playfully glaring at her.
"Mhm... Let me heal you" Misha cooed in his ear and kissed him. Klaus pulled her onto his lap and continued kissing her. The kiss was something they both needed. They had a lack of physical affection since the past few days. They both kept kissing without any care of the world.
"I think we should continue this in our room" Misha said panting heavily from the kiss.
"Yeah, lets go!" Klaus said agreeing and scooped her in his arms and sped towards their room. The house echoing their hearty laughs. They didn't bother to control the amount of noise they were making in their bedroom forcing other housemates to leave the house alone for the night.

Hey my lovely readers! I know this chapter isn't big and I have not been regular in my updates the reason behind it is quite personal. I request you all to be patient and please give me feedbacks and vote for the chapters.
I love you all and can't thank you all enough for the genuine support you all show me. Please be patient with me. I'm sorry for delayed updates.
Once again LOVE YOU ALL!!

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