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Two weeks went by and Elena and her friends recovered from their spells. They made it sure to avoid Misha which was a relief to her. Today was the homecoming dance for which Rebekkah was quite excited.
“This is my first homecoming dance” said Rebekkah.
“Well then, this shoud be made most enjoyable. Have you found your dress?”Misha enquired.
“I'm heading towards the Salvatore's. They wanted to talk to me about something.” Rebekkah said and Misha looked visibly alarmed, she looked at Rebekkah and spoke to her in all the seriousness,
“They always start with the same excuse, now Rebekkah I know that physically you are very strong but Elena... She is a manipulative bitch... She manipulates people to take her side... She tried to manipulate me into hating your family... So I request you Rebekkah do not believe in any word that comes out of her mouth and as soon as you smell something fishy run home, okay?” Rebekkah listened to her and gave her a nod
“I know, but don't worry I'll come home as soon as I'm done talking to that doppelganger wench” said Rebekkah and left for the boarding house.
After Rebekkah left Misha went into the kitchen to make some lunch. Today she decided to make Butter Chicken as she was desperately craving Indian cuisine. She was chopping onions when her phone rang
Big Bad Wolf calling
She smiled at the name that popped up on her screen and picked the call. Her voice was a little heavy as she had tears in her eyes due to chopping onions.
“Hey wolfie, How are you?” Misha joked
“Bloody Hell woman, Wolfie?” Nik pouted
“aren't you... The Big Bad Wolf... Therefore Wolfie” Misha snickered.
“Love, why do you sound like you have been crying?” Nik asked concerned about Misha
“Oh no... I'm not crying I'm chopping onions.,. Rebekkah is.. Ummm Bekkah had other appointments for lunch so today I decided to make something Indian... So yeah that's what I'm chopping onions for” Misha explained
“Do you miss your home?” Nik asked curiously
“honestly, I miss the food” Misha joked but started to talk again with a little seriousness
“And as for home... Home for me is not the house, but people... And since past few days, Rebekkah is my home. She is like a sister I really wanted” Nik was stunned at her reply,
“You found home in a Mikaelson... You are really a very different woman, my Little witch” Nik said in complete adoration but continued talking.
“Now the reason that I called you Misha, this time please listen to me and trust me. The hunter is in town. Stefan Salvatore called me telling me that he was daggered by Elena... And I know they are planning something brilliantly idiotic. So I ask you not to go to the homecoming dance” Nik said her in a very serious manner.
“But Bekkah... Oh My God!! Bekkah!! She is at the Salvatore's Nik... I.. I told her... I told her not to go... Oh My God she is alone there... I'm heading to the Salvatore's Nik... She can't be alone... They will do something to her” Misha panicked
“Calm down my little witch.. They won't be able to harm her... She is strong... But please stay away from them for today... The hunter, he is ruthless... He will stop at nothing to kill me... He will use you Misha and will harm you, just to see me unhappy... And I can't let him harm you love... Just please stay inside the house tonight” Nik calmed her.
“ Okay... Okay I promise I won't go out tonight... But please Nik promise me you will bring Bekkah and Yourself home safely tonight” Misha requested him, panic still evident in her voice.
“I promise you sweetheart Rebekkah and I will be safe, and I will drop Rebekkah at your home safely.” Nik promised her.
“I said Bekkah and you... You also come with her... I don't think you have a place to stay here as of now, do you?” Misha said sternly
“I promise love, We will come home safely tonight.” Nik said with a sweet smile plastered on his face. Misha relaxed trusting his promise and said,
“I trust you Nik... Be safe... and if you need me just give me a call I'll be there”
“I'll see you tonight my Little Witch” Nik said and cut the call.
Misha busied herself in lunch preparation so as to not think about the things that could go wrong tonight.
As the evening proceeded, Misha's worries increased. She has been calling Rebekkah but she did not get a response which confirmed her suspicion that Elena and her gang may have done something to hurt her. She was confused as she had promised Klaus that she will not leave her house but, Bekkah was in danger. She took a deep breath and went to look for Bekkah. She was sure she would find her in the Salvatore Boarding house. She went their. As soon as she knocked the door Elena opened it. Elena looked visibly sacred but tried to act bravely
“What do you want, Misha?” Elena asked trying to mask her fear
“I want Rebekkah... And don't even think of lying to me... I know she is here. If you don't give me her... I will happily make your nightmare about Jeremy's death come true” Misha said in a no nonsense manner. Not even a hint of doubt in her voice. Elena just satred at her and lied...terribly
“I don't where... Where she is”
Misha looked at her and took a step back and brought Jeremy in front of her. Elena's eyes went wide.
Misha knew the only thing Elena respond to, is threat. She thought of threatening Damon or Stefan but they will never provide enough leverage. So she took a detour and went to the Gilbert house. She knocked on the door and to her relief Jeremy opened it. Jeremy looked at her for a second before realising Misha was a teacher at their school..
“Hey Ms. Kapoor, what are you doing here, can I help you with something? Actually your student Elena isn't here at the moment, but you can wait inside if you want”
Misha looked at him in surprise but then relaised that the poor lad doesn't even know who she is. She spelled Jeremy to make him compliant and took him to the boarding house. Jeremy was spelled to do as she says. Misha had a vial of Rebekkah's blood, just in case... She fed Jeremy the blood, she also removed the Gilbert ring from his finger and then knocked on the door of the boarding house.
*end of flashback*
Now Elena, I'm asking you one last time where is Rebekkah? As you can see, I'm damn serious and in no mood for your act of innocence” Elena tried to call her bluff giving her one of her  epic manipulative speeches,
“Misha this isn't you, the Mikaelsons have got into your head. Are you threatened by Klaus? Because if you are, I can help you... We have a plan to kill Klaus he will be dead and you will have nothing to fear. Just please don't do anything for the Mikaelsons.” Misha looked at her. Elena thought she had just complied but Misha was looking into her mind for all their plans. She knew it all and she even saw Rebekkah, daggered in the cellar. She looked at Elena one last time and took a deep breath. Killing Jeremy would mean triggering her curse but she was ready to do anything for the person she calls home. She nodded to Elena and Elena flashed a smile of victory and invited her in.
“I knew Misha you were being used, this is what Klaus does, he abuses people's power. Now you sit here. He won't be able to come for you here” Elena sweet talked her. As soon as Misha came in she looked in the direction of the cellar and then she flicked her wrist and broke Jeremy's neck making Elena scream. She ran straight towards the cellar and removed the dagger from Rebekkah's back.
Rebekkah woke up with a gasp and Elena was still crying over Jeremy's dead corpse. As soon as Rebekkah woke up she took her hand and ran out of the boarding house and went straight to their home.
“That doppelganger slut, she stabbed me in the back. She pretended to be my friend and stabbed me in the back” Rebekkah yelled furiously. Misha was quite and then she ran into her backyard and screamed as she triggered her warewolf side. Rebekkah looked at her wide eyed and shocked.

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