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Next morning Klaus set out to find a witch who would direct him to Jane Anne. He found out that witches were scared of doing magic here in New Orleans. After digging a little deeper he found out that Marcel was alive and had proclaimed himself as the king of the Quarter.
Klaus was shocked to find that the boy he took in as a son had survived from Mikael's attack in New Orleans. He was also angry that Marcel never reached out for any of them. He was angry that Marcel has taken over the town the Mikaelsons built. Klaus was also jealous of the title Marcel gave himself as 'The King of The Quarter'. Klaus reached a bar named Rousseous to see the boy singing on the stage. Marcel was surrounded by his own personal guard vampires. Klaus was impressed with him but at the same time he was jealous, angry and shocked equally. Klaus was on an emotional rollercoaster. He never thought that anyone could survive Mikael's brutality. Marcel saw Klaus and he was equally shocked and also a little scared of the Original Hybrid back in town.
"Klaus" Marcel said.
"Marcel" Klaus replied with a stone face.
"Must be a hundred years since that nasty buisness with your papa" Marcel said again.
"Has it been that long" Klaus replied
"The way I recall he ran you out of town and left a trail of dead vampires in his wake" Marcel mocked.
"And yet how fortunate, you managed to survive... My father I'm afraid I recently incenerated to dust" Klaus said and all the vampires stood up to protect Marcel.
"Well if I had known you were coming back in town... If I had a heads up... " Marcel was saying when Klaus interrupted him,
"What Marcel, what would you have done?"
"I would have thrown you a damn parade" Marcel said with a huge grin on his face. Klaus and Marcel both laughed and shared a brotherly hug.
"Niklaus Mikaelson, my mentor, my saviour, my sire. Lets get you a drink" Marcel announced and put his hands around Klaus's shoulder and went to the bar. Klaus observed his surrounding and all of Marcel's vampires, who were daywalkers. They had the lapis Lazuli ring. Klaus tried to get information from Marcel about the witches but Marcel answered only vaguely. He then started to enquire about Jane Anne Deveroùx. Marcel got laughing and said,
"It's show time". Klaus followed him to the street where more and more nightwalkers joined Marcel. Marcel broke a branch from a nearby tree. Marcel created a perfect stage for his show, he saw Jane Anne and his nightwalkers surrounded her. Marcel then came forward and spoke,
"Jane Anne Deveroùx, you have been accused for the practice of witchcraft beyond the bounds of the rules set forth and inforced by me. How do you plead?" Marcel said dramatically. Klaus was just observing the change in the boy he raised. Marcel then turned towards Klaus and said him,
"Oh was that convincing? I studied law back in the 50's." Before Klaus could answer his opinion Marcel said again "Hold that thought." Marcel than turned to Jane Anne and said,
"Seriously J. Ticktock. You know the drill. How do you plead?"
"I didn't do anything." Jane Anne said with a brave face and all the nightwalkers laughed. Marcel looked at him and shook his said.
"Mm.. That's a lie, you know it, I know it and you hate that I know it. It drives you witches crazy that I'm aware of your every move..." As soon as Marcel said this, Klaus looked at him tilting his head a little in interest, but he did not interrupt the show Marcel had set up.
"...That you can't do magic in this town without getting caught. So why don't we just cut to the chase huh?" Marcel said a little sternly and started to play with the branch of leaves in his hands. Jane Anne glanced at Klaus and Klaus looked at her. Marcel again interrupted,
"You tell me, what magic are you brewing. I mean tell me, I'll grant you leniency. Hey, I'm after all a merciful man." Jane Anne glared at him and said,
"Rot in hell monster." The crowd booed at her and Marcel glared at her and said, "I'll tell you what, I'll give you one more chance.." And in one swift motion slashed her throat with the tree branch in his hand. Klaus gasped in shocked, while the crowd cheered and applauded the show of violence. Klaus was now enraged. Jane Anne was the only chance of fixing whatever was wrong with Misha. He grabbed Marcel's arm in fury and questioned him gritting his teeth,
"What was that?" Marcel looked at him and coolly answered,
"Hey, come walk with me. Witches aren't allowed to do magic here. She broke the rules."
Klaus raised his finger and again said, "I told you, I wanted to talk to her."
"Hey, I'm sorry I got caught up in the show. Those witches, they think they still have power in this town. I have to show them that they don't." Marcel reasoned . Klaus was still angry. Marcel spoke again,
"I never waste an opportunity for a show of force. Another lesson that I learned from you.
Klaus was still just glaring at him angrily.
"... And besides everything you could've gotten out of her... I can find out for you and I promise I will." Klaus sighed and masked his anger and spoke, "whatever it was, doesn't matter anymore does it?"
Marcel laughed and took Klaus out saying he need dinner. Klaus was furious but he didn't want to disclose about Misha and her still unknown condition to Marcel. He walked with him but internally he was drowning in worries for the love of his life. Klaus spotted one of Marcel's inner circle man Thierry and asked him if he could find anymore Deveroùx witches. Klaus then went again to Rousseaus and spotted Sophie- Jane Anne's sister. As Klaus was enquiring her about her sister, he saw that two of Marcel's men followed him the bar. He went to them and put his hands on both of their backs, gripping their back of the shoulder, and questioned,
"Are you two gentlemen following me?"
"Marcel said we are your guides" Said one of them. Klaus laughed and said,
"Oh, he did, did he? He did." Klaus tightened his grips on their shoulders almost breaking it, and continued, "well than let me be exceedingly clear about something. If either of you follow me again, you'll do so without the benefits of a spine." Just then a blond waitress interrupted them, Klaus handed her a hundred dollar bill and ordered her to bring some drinks for the two of Marcel's men. As soon as she left, Klaus again grabbed their backs in a bone breaking grip and spoke, "If Marcel wants to know what I'm upto, he can ask me himself." He gave one last pat on both their backs and left the bar.
Klaus was scared, but he knew Elijah and Katherine were also searching while he was here keeping Marcel busy. As Klaus and Marcel stood in a gallery Marcel took vervain. Klaus knew it would be terribly difficult to get any information from any of Marcel's crew because he was sure by now, everyone one of his vampires would have ingested vervain. Marcel spotted a blonde girl who Klaus recognized as the bartender in Rousseaus.
As Marcel went behind the bartender Elijah came to Klaus informing him about his little chat with Sophie Deveroùx. Elijah had already informed Kol to bring Misha to Lafayette Cemetery, he took Klaus there with him. As soon as Klaus entered the cemetery, he saw Misha up and conscious again. He ran towards her and kissed her passionately. He needed her. He broke the kiss and held Misha tight against his chest and the glared at the witches. Elijah coughed and interrupted their little reunion.
"I brought Niklaus here, now tell me what is your business with my family and what does it have anything to do with Misha?" Elijah asked Sophie once again, but before she could answer Klaus interrupted saying,
"Elijah, what madness is this?"
Misha who was still in shock said in a very shaky voice, "Klaus, you need to listen to them" Klaus looked at her nervous state and pulled her closer to him.
"Marcel may be able to keep us from practicing real magic in this town, but as the keepers of balance we still know when nature has cooked up something new. For example, I have a special gift... Of sensing when a girl is pregnant." Klaus and Elijah's eyes went wide. Misha was scared of Klaus's reaction, she knew his paranoia and abandonment issues, she was scared Klaus would leave her.
"I know it's impossible" Misha said, her voice still shaky.
"What are you saying?" Klaus asked again finding it impossible to wrap his head around this newest information.
"Misha is carrying your child Niklaus" Elijah said from behind. Klaus gasped and removed his hands from Misha's waist and paced a little.
"No it's impossible. Vampires cannot procreate." Klaus said recovering from the shock a little.
"But warewolves can. Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a warewolf. You are the original hybrid, the first of your kind. And this pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes." Klaus couldn't say anything. He knew that Misha would never cheat on him, so accusing her was never an option.
"You said you can sense when a girl is pregnant, how did you sense it when Misha wasn't even here. You magically knocked her out when we were towns away from New Orleans." Klaus questioned Sophie.
"We didn't knew. We just wanted to use Misha to bring you back in town, we thought if we used her, you would definitely come. But when your brother brought her here, I sensed her pregnancy and the magical bond that you two have between you" Sophie answered.
Klaus raised an eyebrow in confusion, "what magical bond?"
"The bond that connects your souls. You both are actual soulmates of each other. Your mother, the original witch knew about the prophecy of you having a soulmate. Didn't you ever find it wierd how easily you both calm in each other's presence, how agitated you both get when you are away from each other. This pregnancy is also the result of your soul mate bond. Love like yours is meant to be celebrated... This child is your celebration." Sophie explained and Klaus was frozen. Misha had no words, her mind was now racing about the thoughts that maybe Klaus never loved her... All their moments and love was just because of the soulmate bond. Misha had tears running out of her eyes and Klaus was still in a state of shock.
"My sister gave her life to perform the spell that needed to confirm this pregnancy... And now because of her sacrifice, the life of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us." All of them looked at Sophie in confusion. Sophie walked towards Klaus and said,
"If you don't help us take down Marcel, so help me, Misha won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress."
"Enough of this, if you want Marcel dead I will do it myself" Elijah spoke.
"No we can't, not yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow and there are rules" Sophie said.
"How dare you command me." Klaus bellowed in anger.
"I won't hear anymore lies." Klaus said and grabbed Misha's hand and was about to leave when Elijah stopped him
"Niklaus! Listen." Commanded Elijah.
Klaus glanced at Misha's stomach and focused on it and he heard a faint heartbeat. Klaus's eyes went wide. He had tears in his eyes. He wanted to be a father, he wanted a family but when he was human, but after all these years he had never even thought about being a father. He was scared of turning out just like Mikael. But he couldn't leave Misha there, no matter soulmate or not, she was and always will be the love of his life. He looked at Misha, who was in complete shock. She was shaking and had not uttered a single word while all of this information unfolded. He then looked at Sophie and again said, "you dare threaten an original. You have gathered so much information about me, didn't you know that I don't like to be told what to do. What are you going to do if I don't agree with your little mission?"
Sophie glared at him and took a knife and sliced  a cut on her palm. Misha winced and saw a cut at the same spot on her palm. Klaus saw it and raged in anger,
"what did you do?"
"I linked my life with Misha. If you don't agree with us, I will kill myself. Which in result will kill the girl and the baby. So I suggest you do as you are told." Sophie replied in anger. Klaus was furious but the thought of hurting Misha stopped him from killing Sophie. He glared at her and moved towards Misha, he grabbed her by the waist and sped out of the cemetery.
"You have until midnight to make him agree with us... If not then I will kill myself. I'm desperate and I don't care about my life." Sophie warned Elijah and went back into her tomb. Elijah sighed and sped out of the cemetery.
Klaus and Misha sat on a bench near on the street and Misha was still quiet.
"Say something love" Klaus said softly.
"Do you really love me Nik, or was it all just our soulmate bond?" Misha asked the first question that came to her mind.
"Soulmate bond or not Misha, I love you. I'm in love with you. You know I knew I was falling for you, when you triggered your warewolf gene just to save my sister, and I realized that I'm completely in love with you when you tied that thread around Elijah's wrist... the way you accepted us all, the way you made me feel complete and loved. I was unable to confess it to you at that moment, but when the Salvatores stopped my heart... all I could feel was guilt... Guilt of not letting you know that I'm so much in love with you." Klaus said all he felt honestly.
"And what about this pregnancy? Do you want the child? Because I can't... I can't do it without you... I never thought about being a mother this early, will you leave me if you don't want... " Misha was cut off by Klaus's lips on hers. Klaus kissed her with everything he had in him. He bared his soul in the kiss. He broke the kiss and flashed his beautiful dimpled smile, "you look adorable when you keep on rambling like this" He said with a cheeky smile.
"And to answer your question my little hybrid, Yes.I do want this child, I would've not wanted it, if its mother would've been someone else... But its our child and I want it. I want this child because you are its Mother. To be honest, I left the fantasy of being a father when our parents turned us into vampires, but then again I also left the fantasy of falling in love, but here we are. I love you... I love you both... Very much." Klaus said and hugged Misha. Elijah watched the entire scene and was smiling. Misha had brought peace and love  in their lives.
Elijah cleared his throat and walked towards the couple and sat down beside Misha and wrapped a hand around her shoulder and said,
"Congratulations Misha and Niklaus, however beautiful this moment is, we need to leave from here, this place is crawling with Marcel's nightwalkers. I will take Misha to the old plantation house. You brother, mend your ways with Marcel and meet us all there."
Klaus nodded his head and kissed Misha on the forehead and sped away.
"This day is filled with shocks and surprises! Marcel is alive, Nik and I are literal soulmates of each other and I'm pregnant." Misha exclaimed.
"I'm not sure which one is a surprise and which one is a shock" Elijah said.

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