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Misha was in a foul mood and made sure that everyone knew that. Misha's cousin brother was getting married and Misha reallly wanted to attend the wedding. Misha was missing the Indian wedding. The weddings in India are a big affair where processions extend to 3 to 4 days. In India, weddings were almost celebrated like festival, even the distant relatives came together. And her cousin's wedding was no less than The Great Indian Wedding they were the Kapoors after all. Misha due to her pregnancy could not travel to India which was the reason behind her foul mood and also that she has had to pack all her stuff again.
"I'm so done! I don't want to pack!" Misha huffed loudly, no one made the mistake of commenting anything.
"Marcel said that he has a surprise for us waiting at The Compound." Klaus said varily.
"All right... Please help me." Misha said making puppy dog eyes at Klaus. Klaus rolled his eyes but helped her keep everything in the boxes nevertheless. Misha was folding her clothes when her phone rang. She beamed when she saw who had called.
"Vikram! Oh its been so long! How are you?" Misha said and Klaus raised sn eyebrow.
"I'm good! But you Misha Kapoor, give me a valid reason as to why you aren't attending my wedding?" Vikram said and Misha's somewhat happy mood instantly deflated. She glared a little at Klaus before answering
"Umm... Vikram... I've been following the leads to find the whereabouts of my mom's rest of the family and I've finally gotten a little close. I really want to come to India... You have no idea how much I'm missing all of you. I'm so sorry that I wouldn't be able to attend your wedding." Misha said sadly. The cousins talked about wedding and the preparation for about an hour. Klaus felt a little bad that Misha was missing her life so much because she was involved with him
"You can go to India if you want to. I'll send some people with you for your protection." Klaus offered.
"That's sweet of you Nik to think that I was waiting for your permission. If I wanted to go... I would've been on the plane by now. But no! I decided not to go because Im not ready to face the confrontion with my family about the pregnancy... Especially in front of my whole extended clan... It would just dampen the mood of festivities." Misha concluded.
After they all had packed. Klaus and Elijah had some compelled humans transport their things to the compound. Finally, Misha and Klaus arrived at the compound and people watched as The Big Bad Hybrid held his soulmate by her waist. They looked like a power couple.
Misha was in awe of the compound. It was a  beautiful architecture. Granted it was old but it still held its glory. The Mikaelson crest rested on the Front wall of the compound radiating the power of Mikaelsons. Marcel came down smiling at the couple.
"There you are! Welcome home Klaus, Misha and the rest of Mikaelsons. I have all your original rooms ready and waiting for you. Settle down and then we can all have lunch together. Misha and Klaus please come with me." Marcel said and everyone went to check their rooms while Misha and Klaus went ahead with Marcel.
"Ready for the surprise?" Marcel asked excitedly.
"Ooh I'm so ready... Now come on show me what it is?" Misha answered showing equal excitement.
Marcel opened the door and Klaus and Misha's jaw dropped. Marcel had prepared a nursery for the children. It was the prettiest nursery Misha had ever seen. Everything was so beautiful and perfect for her children. Misha felt so lucky that her children are surrounded by people who love them so much. Klaus squeezed Misha's waist trying to hide his own tears.
"Marcel... This is... This so beautiful. Its the best surprise... Oh thank you so much Marcel... You didn't have to do it." Misha said choking a sob.
"Oh I had to... After all they are my siblings." Marcel said.
"Oh they are going to be spoiled won't they?" Misha asked rhetorically. Marcel and Klaus chukled.

The nursery for the twins

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The nursery for the twins.
Misha called everyone upstairs to show them the nursery and everyone loved it. Rebekkah had heart in her eyes for Marcel after his so loving gesture for her unborn niece and nephew.
Today they decided that there will be no discussions about destroying anyone or about ruling a kingdom. They all spent the day like a normal family... Well as normal as a family that consists of two hybrids and five vampires can be.
Next day they sat for breakfast discussing the usual who to kill buisness.
"Why isn't Davina here with us Marcel?" Misha asked.
"She will be joining us today before lunch. She wanted to spend some time with Josh." Marcel answered.
"Well Josh is always welcome here. I like him... He is nice and funny." Misha said.
"Yeah Josh is nice. I'll tell him to join Davina here." Marcel said.
Just then Hayley came on informed Klaus on the whereabouts of the crescent warewolves. Klaus went to check on them while Marcel and Elijah went to meet their vampires. Rebekkah was going to keep an eye on witch activities and Kol went somewhere unknown. Kol was acting rather suspicious these days. He would vanish without telling anyone about his whereabouts and he has still not created a massacre. Katherine and Misha spent some quality time masking and painting each other's nails and listening to music while snacking. Misha was feeling too peaceful... Which was never a good sign.

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