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After the celebrations, they decided to go to the mansion. But Misha's concern was her brother. How will she work with Reyan in the same house. She wasn't going to let him roam Mystic Falls alone. If anyone knew he was Misha's brother they would target him.
"I think we should get going, we have buisness to discuss" Said Elijah breaking the chain of her thoughts. "Yes we should. " Misha said in agreement. They sat in their respective cars and went to the mansion. Reyan was shocked to see the mansion and the hybrid bodyguards outside the mansion. He held Misha back and voiced his concern, "who are these people Misha? I mean seriously, mansions and bodyguards! To be honest they are giving me some underworld gangster kind of vibes" Misha sushed him and quickly made an excuse, "people in this town are pretty rich... You'll see a mansion at every two blocks here." Rey was not satisfied with her answer but he let it go. As soon as they went in, Rebekkah, Elijah and Klaus had drinks in their hands and Misha rolled her eyes at them. "Do you guys ever... Like ever sit without alcohol?" Misha huffed irritated. All three of them laughed shaking their head as no. Klaus offered Reyan a drink and he accepted it still being sceptical about Klaus and his siblings. Elijah moved towards Misha and spoke in a low whisper, "Let us go in the study and discuss our next course of action, we don't have much time."
"But what about Rey??" Misha questioned him. "Just let him sit here" Elijah said nonchalantly. Misha agreed and went towards Rey, "Rey we have some really important buisness to deal with, and its kind of private, we are in the study. So hang on here okay. It will be over soon." She informed him and went into the library, followded by the Mikaelsons.
"So what can we do about bloodline situation?" Rebekkah asked. Misha took a deep breath and started talking, "Rebekkah you are totally safe because Elena will not let little Gilbert die. Nik, you have sired Tyler, and lets be honest, no one cares about him; except for Caroline... But, she cannot fight both the Salvatores. Damon will let Tyler die if it means saving Elena. So answer me, does Salvatores descend from your bloodline Nik?" She looked at Klaus and raised her eyebrows questioning him.
"I'm very much sure the Salvatores are my bloodline, including Caroline." Klaus answered smirking.
"So that leaves you and Kol, Elijah. You need to turn someone on their inner circle... Who Elena gives a damn about." She looked at Elijah.
"How about Alaric?" Rebekkah suggested.
"Rebekkah that man without being a vampire is running with an alter ego of a serial killer. If we turn him, his emotions, senses and alter ego heightens. He will be completely mad" Klaus said from his seat.
"Alaric has an alter ego of a serial killer!!" Misha exclaimed, she had no idea about this.
"Yes!! And apparently he is targeting the council members" Elijah said.
"Hmm.... So Matt Donavan?" Misha said cringing. Klaus chuckled at her expression
"How about Bonnie. She is Elena's best friend and a very big pain in the ass witch. Two birds with a single stone" Klaus suggested.
"No Klaus, we can't turn Bonnie. Bennet blood has been used in mostspells since a long time. If she turns, her blood is useless and in future if we want to undo something that needs Bennet blood, we will be in trouble" She explained to Klaus and again suggested an idea.
"I think we should test Elena Gilbert's friendship with Matt Donavan." She said with a smirk
"Elaborate" Elijah said
"We still haven't received 2 white oak stakes. One is hidden by psycho Alaric but other one is still with them so what I'm saying is we kidnap Matt, we use him as a leverage and see if Elena hand over the stake to us or not... If she does, we turn Matt and if she doesn't.... We will cross that bridge when we come to it." She elaborated with a smile. All of them smiles.
"You are evil my little witch, " Klaus said with a smirk.
"Says the devil himself!" Misha replied making Klaus laugh.
"Elijah no offense to you.. But I think we should use Kol's blood to turn Matt. Beacuse you are smart enough not to fall into their trap... But Kol, he is very impulsive... If they provoke him, he will definitely walk into their trap" Misha said to Elijah and they all hummed in agreement.
"Its settled then, time to bring Matt Donavan to some use. Rebekkah will go and charm him! As we know they won't shove Rebekkah with the white oak stake" She stopped talking and then she looked at Klaus and questioned him, "do you have all the daggers and white oak ash here?"
"Yes I have all my daggers here." Klaus replied.
"Good! Hand it to me! I'm melting those bloody daggers away" She said and Klaus scoffed.
"Sure, that is going to happen" Klaus said sarcastically. Misha glared at him.
"No way in hell, I'm allowing you to destroy it" Klaus yelled. Elijah and Rebekkah both sighed at Klaus's paranoia.
"I didn't ask for your permission. And why not? Can't you see, your family is together FIGHTING FOR YOU! You are the scooby gang's main villian Klaus!! But still your family is here with you! Even Kol! He could have ran away leaving you alone to deal with the mess after you daggered him for a century,but he is still helping, for you!!And you still need those damn daggers so you can shove them in boxes again! klaus, I know you have trust issues, but please for once, Trust me... Trust them... We will not abandon you or betray you." Misha said equally loudly.
Klaus was taken aback, he hasn't heard the name Klaus in a very long time from her mouth and when he heard it today, he did not like it. He was used to listening Nik from her mouth. He sighed and stormed out of the room. Misha scoffed and sat down she put her head on the table and closed her eyes. Elijah and Rebekkah left as well. Misha was still in their study when Klaus came in. He saw her stressed and angry and he went towards her. "I'm sorry, Misha" He said in a low voice. She opened her eyes and looked at him and said, "Sorry doesn't mean much until you say it from your heart". She was still angry at him. Klaus nodded and put the daggers in front of her. Misha looked up at him shocked.
"Really? You mean it?"
"Ido, my love..But you are wrong Misha!" Klaus said and Misha raised an eyebrow.
"Kol is helping me because of YOU! Elijah is here because of YOU! Rebekkah and I are on good terms because of YOU! I have my family because of you Misha. I have what I always wanted because of YOU! You are the glue that's holding me and my lunatic of siblings together." Klaus said and laughed. Misha looked at him and had tears in her eyes. She kissed him on his cheeks and hugged him tightly. Klaus relaized again how much he was in love with her. Seeing her upset made his heart twitch. Seeing her laugh made him smile. She made him feel things with a passion. She gave him what he always wanted.. His family, acceptance, laughter and above all a feeling called LOVE! They hugged each other for few more miutes.
"I should destroy them, and is Rebekkah here with Matt?" She asked again.
"She is on her way" Klaus informed her.
"Okay". Misha sighed. Klaus raised her chin to look her in the eye. He wanted to tell her how much he is love with her, but decided against it. He wanted it to be special not in a hasty manner. So instead, he kissed her. A slow deep and soul bearing kiss. She kissed him back and smiled as they parted. Misha then went in the living room to see Elijah and Reyan in a conversation.
"What are my older brother and new older brother discussing??" She joked as she sat beside Elijah. Elijah laughed and replied, "Just random things, new little sister" Misha laughed at him.
Elijah then removed something from his coat pocket and handed it to Misha, "I assume I owe you a gift" Misha laughed and nodded, "that you do" she took the velvet bag and opened it to see a beautiful crescent moon necklace.

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