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Days were passing and Mikaelsons were all busy with their respective tasks of finding more about Davina and this ritual. Misha's bump was now more visible due to it being twins. Misha broke the link between herself and Sophie so all in all everything was going fine.
It was Misha being alone in the house when someone knocked on the door. She opened it to see Josh,
"Hey.. Umm... Where is Klaus? I've been trying to call him he isn't picking it up."
"Hello Josh, I have no idea where Klaus is... My guess is he is probably drinking with Marcel, is there any problem?" Misha answered.
"No, I don't think he is with Marcel... And yes the problem is that Marcel knows that he lied about living in the hotel... So please... Just tell him to contact me... Or deal with it... Whatever." Josh informed her.
"Oh, well... I will as soon as he comes home. Thank you for telling me Josh." Misha replied with a genuine smile.
"Yeah, bye." Josh said and scurried off in the dark. As Misha went away another knock was heard on the door she thought it was Josh again but to her surprise it was Marcel.
"Oh, you! Its good to see you again" Marcel said with a charming smile.
"Marcel Gerad, just the man I was hoping to have a conversation with for so long! Do come in... But be warned, if you harm me the Mikaelsons will burn this city and this time they will make sure you burn with it!" Misha said with a sickly sweet smile.
Marcel raised his hands in surrender and walked in.
"So what is 'the king of the quarter' doing here?" Misha questioned Marcel.
"Oh nothing, this house holds a lot of memories for me, so you can say I was feeling nostalgic. But to my surprise I found that Klaus has been living here for months now." Marcel answered.
"Oh yeah, I know all about that. So Marcel, lets talk shall we?" Misha said pointing her head towards the couch.
"Who are you?" Marcel asked.
"I'm... Misha. See Marcel, lets not beat around the bushes I want to get to the point. What is your problem with the Mikaelsons?" Misha asked without any further nonsense.
"I don't see how that concerns you?" Marcel answered.
"Look Marcel, we can all be a family, clearly you are upset about Klaus abandoning you, Klaus is upset you didn't reach out... Can't you just get past that?" Misha said.
"Yeah well he left me to burn here and never looked back and now he comes back to tell me that this is his town!" Marcel answered.
"You are not so innocent yourself Marcel! You could've reached out to them. Mikael made them believe that he killed you in that fire. They had to flee for their lives. But you, you could've reached out to them but you didn't. You stayed here and enjoyed being the king! Klaus isn't wrong! He and his family built this town. They have a right to reclaim it. I know you worked hard on this city, but you had something to work on because they gave it to you. If they hadn't built this city you wouldn't have called yourself the king. It was Klaus that made you who you are. And you and he are both very similar.... And don't try to deny it." Misha said.
"I'm nothing like Klaus." Marcel defended himself.
"Oh yeah, loves to show power, manipulates people, enjoying the terror your name brings into the hearts of people, tell me who has these traits?" Misha questioned.
"I don't manipulate people, and making people fear is how we survive." Marcel answered.
"Oh yeah, so you have told Davina that Agnes is dead? That the last living elder of the witch coven is dead so she isn't in danger anymore cause the ritual can't take place?" Misha questioned.
"How do you know about that?" Marcel questioned in return.
"You didn't tell her right? Because then your magic alert sensor will be gone, isn't it?" Misha taunted.
"I'm not using Davina!" Marcel answered.
"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night. But you know as well as I know, you would never let such talent slip away from you. And that is what exactly Klaus would do!" Misha said calmly.
"Your point being?" Marcel asked exasperatedly.
"My point is Marcel that why don't you stop this fight? Klaus loves you, he chose you as his family. And you very well know that family is a sensitive issue for him. Yes he made mistakes, but didn't you? Don't we all? I just want all the Mikaelsons happy, that includes you! You are his family Marcel, please don't ruin it for all the petty issues. I know Klaus is not easy to handle, but please, he loves you Marcel. He lost his son all those years ago, he mourned you and believe me he is also proud of you. He may never say it on your face but he is very proud of you and the way you developed New Orleans. Just give them all a chance." Misha said almost on the verge of crying.
"Why do you care so much? You don't know me!" Marcel countered.
"Yes I don't know you personally, but you are  family Marcel. I hope you accept it, it will make life easier for all of us." Misha answered.
"Its a lot to think about. I can't just forgive him for abandoning me!" Marcel said.
"He didn't abandon you Marcel. You know how Mikael was, he was hell bent on destroying everything that Klaus holds dear, he would have even crushed a garden if Klaus liked it just out of spite, so when he provided the proof that you are dead, they had no choice but to believe him and run for their lives." Misha explained.
"Fine, I will consider it. But you Misha, you are something else! I have never seen someone so hell bent on making Mikaelsons happy except maybe for Elijah!" Marcel joked.
"That's me! I hope Marcel, you both work it out, I would love to have you in the family. You are a good man." Misha said with a genuine smile.
"Thank you. I will take your leave now. Nice talking to you." Marcel replied aslo with a genuine smile.
As Marcel  walked out he heard a banging noise from inside the house. He immediately entred it to find the mirror smashed and Misha nowhere to be seen. He without second thoughts called Klaus and informed him of Misha's absence.
"What the hell happened here? And what are you doing here?" Katherine came and asked Marcel.
"I had a chat with Misha and just as I walked out I heard this commotion and walked in to find Misha gone. She is been attacked!" Marcel answered without bothering to see who he was talking to. Soon Elijah and all came and asked the same question. They immediately called Sophie to perform a locator spell which indicated them towards the bayou. Marcel went with them to find Misha. Marcel thought of Misha as a genuine person, so he also helped Mikaelsons find her also in hopes of mending their relationship.
As soon as they reached the bayou, Klaus picked up the scent of Tyler Lockwood and sped towards the direction. All others spread out and started to search for Misha.
Misha was struggling, Tyler made Hayley a hybrid and much according to his assumptions, Hayley was sired to Misha and her children. She managed to stab Tyler enough to get away from there and ordered Hayley to snap his neck. Misha was running when she bumped into Kol.
"Mish! Oh Thank God you are fine!" Kol said holding her. Misha was shaking due to the fact that her children were in danger. Kol called out others and Misha explained what happened. Tyler Lockwood wanted to kill her babies so that Klaus couldn't make anymore hybrids. Klaus in a fit of anger threw Tyler so many times that all his bones were broken.
"Nik" Misha called out timidly. Klaus heard her voice and all his anger evaporated he looked at Misha and hugged her.
"Elijah, do me a favor and compel Hayley to never break the sire bond. And make it very clear I will kill her if she ever tries to break the compulsion or the sire bond." Misha said.
"As you wish, but now what to do with Tyler?" Elijah asked.
"Leave that to me! I will be very happy to punish him for trying to kill the unborn children." Marcel answered.
Misha looked at him and smiled and nodded.
"We need to talk all of us, including Marcel." Misha informed everyone. All of them agreed and went home.

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