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Misha was sitting in the courtyard thinking about some vampires who had gone rogue after Marcel pledged his allegiance to the Mikaelsons. They have hijacked Jackson and Oliver's car and kidnapped them along with the moonstones.

To say Klaus was mad would be an understatement. He was furious and murder ready. Jackson and Oliver were cloaked and Misha was sure it was a certain Redhead bitch currently present in the courtyard, that was helping the vampires.
Elijah was with Katherine trying to search for them and Davina was with Kol and Josh on a lookout as well. Hayley had ever growing frown lines on her forehead due to worries of her betrothed. Hayley was not totally onboard with the idea of marriage with Jackson, but she was leaning towards it for her pack.
Misha had no hand in this personal matter of Hayley, she just told her that she will be happy if Hayley chooses whatever is in her heart. It seemed an abuse of power to force Hayley to marry someone because of the sire bond. They were already in the process of making moonlight rings so they definitely had some control of the pack, she didn't want Hayley to make a sacrifice this big.

"Hayley you are making me dizzy", Misha said as she felt dizzy watching Hayley dig a hole through the floor with her pacing.
" I'm sorry, I just... Where is Klaus?", Hayley asked in frustration as Klaus had been gone for long to find both the kidnapped Crescent wolves.
"Well you know him... You won't like his answers if you disturb him by asking questions while he is in the middle of something," Misha answered exasperatedly. She was exhausted. She looked huge though she was still a month away from giving birth. She had a nagging feeling that something was going to happen today, but she refrained from showing her discomfort as today was important for making moonlight rings. It would be full moon in a few hours and they needed the power of a full moon to finish those rings.

Soon Klaus, Elijah and Katherine came back along with a beaten up Jackson and bruised Katherine.
"Oh thank god you are okay", Hayley said in relief looking at Jackson and Misha waddled her way towards Klaus, hugging him.
" Are you okay?" Misha asked looking at Klaus and checking him for any wound or blood.
"I'm fine love, you know I heal quickly" Klaus answered looking at Misha and giving her his big smile which brought his dimples out. Misha smiled and pecked his cheeks, specifically his dimples which made Klaus smile even wider.

"Have you found the moonlight rings Klaus?" Genevieve asked and both their smiles disappeared. Misha looked at her with a calculated gaze, she wasn't sure why they asked Genevieve to help and why she agreed to it without getting anything in return.
"Tell me again why you are helping us?" Misha asked her.
"I want to be in peace and in good graces of the most powerful family in New Orleans. I'm just looking out for myself. And I hope you will protect me when time comes." Genevieve answered simply.
"Hmm... But remember Genevieve, you make a single move against us, I will rip your intestine out and I will hang you in the Town Square with it" Misha said with the most calm face as if she did this daily.
"Huh... Look at that Klaus, your girlfriend is becoming you. I wonder what she will teach your kids" Genevieve snarked back and Misha had to be physically restrained so she wouldn't pull Genevieve's hair out of her scalp.
"Watch your tongue Genevieve. You are here because you are useful to me. You say a word about my 'wife' and my children I will make sure to fulfill the warning she has given you." Klaus seethed but Misha was looking at him with wide eyes and slacked jaw.
Klaus didn't even realize that he just called Misha his wife and that too so nonchalantly as if he had been calling her that for years. Everyone was shocked but Genevieve was seething jealousy as he mentioned Misha as his wife.
"What? I think its time we go back to work" Klaus said and everyone just nodded. Misha was still surprised, but her heart was doing summersaults in her chest and she had a smile on her face.

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